Chapter 9

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Roseanne smiled broadly when she spotted Lisa heading to the sun lounger by the pool. She glanced at her half-eaten burrito, wondering how quickly she could finish it.

"I take it by the look on your face that Lisa is out there?" Jisoo asked with a quick glance out her window.

Roseanne wiped her smile away. "I don't have a look," she said as she bit into her burrito.

"You seem quite taken with her, sis. I don't think you've ever been out with anyone older than twenty-five before, never mind sleeping with one."

"I'm not taken with her," Roseanne said with a shake of her head. "She's cute and sexy and we had a really good time together." She put her burrito down, considering Jisoo's comment. "You're right though. I don't think I've ever been out with anyone older than twenty-five. In fact, twenty-four might be more accurate." She sipped from her tea. "Why do you think that is?"

Jisoo shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe you just got into a habit of dating college girls."

"Well, yeah. I was in college once but I've just thirty. So what's my excuse now?"

Jisoo finished off her last taco, then wiped her mouth. "Please don't get offended," she started. "But I think a lot of it has to do with your father."

"Mason? Why?"

"He's very laid-back. He doesn't get too worked up about anything. He likes to have fun. He'd rather go fishing than go to work."

"And who wouldn't?"

"Yes, but most people still go to work even if they'd rather be fishing! But not your dad."

"Okay. So he's not exactly responsible. But I hope you're not implying that I'm not either," she said.

"Of course not. I know that without you his painting business would have folded years ago. But you like to have fun too. And that's great. Everyone should. But as we get older, we have more responsibilities and less time to do things on a whim. Yet you also have your dad's laid-back streak. And you're as spontaneous today as you were in high school," Jisoo said.

"Okay. So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying, you still have that side of you where you want to blow off work and head to the lake. But most people can't do that. Unless you don't work or you're a college student and you can blow off class."

Roseanne smiled but shook her head. "You think that's why I date college students? Because they don't have adult responsibilities yet?" Roseanne leaned forward. "You don't think it has to do with long legs, tanned bodies and how good they look in a bikini?"

Jisoo leaned forward too. "Then why are you drooling over the thirty-five-year-old woman sitting out there?

"I'm not drooling," she said. "Much. But have you seen her in that red bikini?"

"Exactly. And she's not a college student. And you are totally drooling over her."

Roseanne laughed. "Well, if you'd had the night, and morning, that I had, you would be drooling too."

Jisoo smiled. "I have my own gorgeous woman to drool over, thank you very much."

Roseanne folded up the rest of her burrito and tossed it in the trash. "I like Jennie. She's good for you."

Jisoo laughed. "Meaning she doesn't come with baggage?"

"Well, you said it, not me!"

Jisoo nodded. "It's refreshing, really. There's no drama with her. When's the last time I was able to say that about someone I was dating?"

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