Chapter 12

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Roseanne led Staci through the crowd, wondering why in the world she'd let herself be talked into going to a bar at this time of night. She'd had a busy day at work, and she would have another busy one tomorrow. When she'd invited Staci out to dinner, she thought they would get to know each other better, maybe make plans for a second date. Staci was in her first year of graduate school and seemed a little more mature than most. But after dinner, just as Roseanne was about to suggest she take her home, Staci had suggested the bar instead. At the time, Roseanne imagined them dancing.

She hadn't missed the fact that Staci wore no bra. Maybe their first date might turn out to be more than just dinner after all. But now as she tried to find a spot at a table, the crowd loud and boisterous around her, she forgot all about Staci's lack of a bra.

"It's kinda crowded," she said loudly. "You sure you want to do this?"

Staci grabbed her hips and pulled Roseanne closer to her. "Let's get a drink or two first. Then we'll do
it," she said with a laugh.

Okay. So maybe she'd be late to work tomorrow. After her second drink, Staci made it perfectly clear that she had meant what she said. Her dancing
was extremely suggestive, and Roseanne found herself responding to her.

However, a short time later, when Staci had Roseanne pinned against the wall by the restrooms, her tongue shoved in her mouth, Roseanne knew it was time to leave.

"How about we take this somewhere else?" She said between kisses.

"My place?"


It was a quick but challenging drive as Staci was practically in her lap, hands roaming her body at will.

"God, you're hot," Staci said into her ear. "I like an older woman who knows what she's doing."

Roseanne laughed. "Well, I know what I'm doing. I don't know about the 'older' part, though."

Once inside Staci's apartment, it was all a whirlwind. Staci ripped her own blouse off, confirming Roseanne's observation that she wore no bra. Staci's hands then went to Roseanne's jeans, unbuttoning them quickly.

"My bedroom's a mess," Staci said. "How about the sofa?"

"Whatever," Roseanne said as she kicked off her jeans. She hardly had time to step out of them before Staci pulled her down on to the couch. As Roseanne lay on top of her, it occurred to her how slight Staci was, how young she was. She shook those thoughts away as her hand moved between them. She might be young, but she was no child.

Her thighs parted invitingly, and Roseanne went there, finding her wet and ready. She closed her eyes as she entered her, trying to wipe away the image of Lisa lying beneath her.

"Oh, yeah. Harder," Staci panted. "Fuck me harder."

Roseanne did as she was asked.


Lisa twirled her pencil between her fingers, her gaze fixed again on the bird feeders outside her office window. They'd been there for over a year but it was only recently that she even took notice of them. Maybe because it was only recently that she found herself staring outside... daydreaming.

Daydreaming of her toes in the warm sand, the gulf breeze in her hair, the sounds of laughing gulls and splashing surf. And envisioning a moon, a midnight moon, overhead. Envisioning sunshine and clear, blue skies. And Roseanne there beside her, her flirty smile, her sensuous lips. Her body glistening, the bikini hiding very little. Then later, that bikini slipping off her body, revealing...

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