Chapter 4

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Roseanne brought a finger to her lips. "We have to be quiet," she whispered as they headed towards the stairs. "It's the middle of the night. People are trying to sleep." She grinned when she heard Lisa nearly giggle at her comment.

Okay, so maybe she wasn't too pissed after all.

"Oh, and I'm really not a stalker," she added.

"That's reassuring," Lisa scoffed as she followed the blonde down the stairs.

Roseanne had stashed a couple of blankets, and a bottle of wine, out by the pool. She hadn't wanted to seem too presumptuous when she knocked on her door. She had even opened the bottle of wine, so she wouldn't have to carry a corkscrew, but she had forgotten about the glasses. It wasn't very romantic drinking straight from the bottle and it wasn't something she would do normally, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Lisa watched as Roseanne crouched down to collect something. "A blanket?"

"Just to sit on," Roseanne said. "No hanky-panky." She handed Lisa the wine. "Promise."

Lisa held the bottle up to the light. "Nice choice."

"Thank you. I stole it from the office. I'm not an expert on wine. So I'm glad you approve."

"It's a nice bottle. There'll still be no hanky-panky though!"

"Why would you even think that?" Roseanne said innocently. "I enjoy your company. It's not like I want to ravish your body." She paused. "Much," she smirked.

Lisa threw her head back and laughed. "Are you always so forward?"

"I'm only here for four more days. I have to work fast."

"Wait a minute. Did you say you stole it?"

Roseanne laughed. "Umm... I'll explain later."

They left the pool area and walked along the boardwalk across the dunes, Roseanne casually took
Lisa's hand. "I don't want you to trip," she said with a smile. She was pleasantly surprised when Lisa didn't pull her hand away.

As soon as they got to the beach, she knew her seduction attempt had gotten a little easier. The full moon was beautiful. The white orb engulfed the sky, its light dancing across the waves as they crashed on to the shore. The little scattering of clouds only enhanced the show. She turned, finding Lisa gazing out over the water, the breeze gently blowing her hair back from her face, the glow from the moon bright enough to make out every feature on Lisa's face. She was nearly hypnotised as Lisa turned, their eyes meeting in the glimmering moonlight.

Lisa smiled slightly; her eyes still locked on brown. "It's gorgeous."

Roseanne nodded, feeling seduced herself. "Yeah, gorgeous." She felt her heart beat just a little too fast as their stare continued. Damn, but she wanted to kiss her. Before she could muster up the courage to do it, Lisa turned away, breaking the spell.

So, Roseanne did the sensible thing. She walked a little farther down the beach, looking for a spot to sit. It was a very high tide with the moon overhead so she chose to sit closer to the sand dunes, away from the lapping water. The shook out the blanket, the breeze flipping the edges up, she smoothed them back down and sat, motioning for Lisa to do the same. She took the wine bottle from her, balancing it between her legs and leaned back on her elbows.

"I love this," she said. "The midnight moon. It looks so big, it's almost like you could reach out and touch it."

"Yeah." Lisa tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks for making me do this," she said. "I've never... well, I've seen the full moon, of course, but usually when I'm driving. I don't think I've ever intentionally gone outside to look at it."

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