Chapter 15

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Lisa stood back in shock watching as Roseanne helped shove her office furniture into the middle of the room. She wasn't sure what she expected, but seeing Roseanne dressed, like the rest of the crew, in shorts and a T-shirt, brought back memories from their time on the coast. Her eyes were glued to the blonde as she worked. While all the other crew members wore shoes, Roseanne wore the sandals Lisa remembered from their walks on the beach. She stepped back as one of the guys flung out a plastic cover, tossing it over her furniture.

"It'll all be back in place tomorrow," Roseanne promised. "Now you have to leave. I'm the only supervisor allowed on this project."

"Okay. But I'll be right out there if you need me."

"Oh, I'll need you, I'm certain of that," Roseanne said, flashing her the flirty smile that Lisa loved.

Lisa returned her smile, then went out to sit in the reception area. It had been five days since their Mount Bonnell adventure and the weekend had come and gone. It was a long, lonely weekend; she kept hoping Roseanne would show up. She made a mental note to give Roseanne her phone number.

Friends did that, right?

She had replayed their conversation from that night over and over. Roseanne wanted to get to know her. No hanky-panky. Staci was apparently out of the picture. And God, surely Tzuyu was as well.

Lisa had only gotten an email from her, saying she was sorry she didn't get to spend much time with her at her house party. Apparently, Tzuyu didn't realise that Lisa had intentionally slipped away early without saying goodbye. It didn't matter. Even if Tzuyu called and asked her to dinner, Lisa would decline. She now knew enough about Tzuyu to realise she wasn't even someone she wanted to be friends with, let alone date.

But did she want to date Roseanne? Is that what they would be doing? Getting to know each other by dating? Did no hanky-panky mean no kissing too? Lisa felt her face flush. Yes, it must.

Because if they kissed, it would definitely lead to more. Just being around Roseanne , looking into her smiling eyes, feeling her positive energy, Lisa felt the pull of her attraction. Being near Roseanne made everything feel bright and fresh... and new.

And if Roseanne wanted to skip the 'getting to know you' part and jump back into a sexual relationship, Lisa wouldn't protest. But was that all she wanted out of this? Just a sexual relationship?

"Do you plan to sit out here all day?"

Lisa blinked her thoughts away as she looked at Somi. "Will it bother you?"

"Would it bother you if I sat in one of your visitor's chairs all day while you tried to work?"

"Yes. But I'm the boss," Lisa reminded her. "Besides, you're not that busy. September is the best time to do this."

"No. November would have been the best time."

"I didn't want to wait until November."

"Are you ready to talk about it yet?"

"I assume you mean Roseanne," she said.

"Well, that and your sudden out-of-the-blue urge to get the office painted," Somi said.

"I felt like a change," she answered with a shrug.

"In your office or in your life?"

Lisa smiled. "Both." She leaned forward, lowering her voice. "She's attractive, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is. And, well, I kinda like her," Somi said. "Not at all what I imagined your vacation lover to be like."

Lisa felt herself blushing, but she laughed. "And what were you imagining?"

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