Chapter 10

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Roseanne stopped by Jisoo's office before going in search of Lisa. She'd gone to get burgers at her favourite place and had picked up lunch for Jisoo as well.

"I've hardly seen you this trip," Jisoo complained as it was obvious Roseanne planned to eat elsewhere.

"Sorry, sis, but wow, what a week it's been," she said with a grin.

"Did you get her name and address yet?"

Roseanne's smiled faltered. "No. She hasn't mentioned it. And she hasn't asked for mine either."

Jisoo shrugged. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

"Yeah, well. It's been fun. But I need to head back in the morning. I promised Ash I would help her with the pool house this weekend."

"You mean since you use it more than they do?"

"Yeah. I thought it was only right," she said with a laugh. "Their spring-fed pool is incredible and it's finally warm enough to use it again. But they've been doing some renovations. They've added an outdoor kitchen and other bits and pieces." She held up the bag of burgers. "I gotta go. I'll stop by and see you before I leave."

Jisoo shook her head. "I'm not working tomorrow. Jennie and I are taking a beach day down at Padre," she said.

"Then I'll catch you on the next trip." Jisoo stood up as Roseanne walked over and they hugged goodbye.

"Thanks for putting me up. I had a fabulous time."

"You're welcome. I'll see you later."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Roseanne stopped to take a peek at the pool, but she didn't really expect Lisa to be out there. She wasn't. Next, she stopped by her own room. It was empty.

So she headed to the stairs and hurried up to the second floor to Lisa's room. She knocked three times in quick succession, not even considering that Lisa might not be around.

But the door opened quickly and they stood there looking at each other, both smiling. Roseanne finally remembered the burgers and she held the bag up.


"God, yes," Lisa said as she pulled her into the room. "I don't care what it is. I'll eat anything."

"Burgers and fries," Roseanne said, pulling a burger from the bag. "I got it with everything on it."

"Perfect," Lisa said, taking the burger. "It smells wonderful," she said as she nearly ripped the wrapping off.

"Figured you'd be hungry," Roseanne said. Her own stomach growled as she unwrapped hers.

"Starving," Lisa said before taking a bite. She moaned and closed her eyes as she chewed.

"Mmm... It's really good," she mumbled.

Roseanne took a bite too. "It's a local joint," she explained after she swallowed. "Here. Take some fries."

They sat on the bed and laid the fries out between them. Roseanne tore into a packet of ketchup and squirted it all over her side of the fries. Lisa took one and dipped it into the ketchup, then nodded as Roseanne offered her a packet.

"What time did you get up?"

"Nearly noon," Lisa said. "I slept like a rock."

"No kidding. Even my singing in the shower didn't wake you," she said.

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