Chapter 21

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Roseanne sorted through the pile of rocks she had collected, finding a larger one. She held it in her hand, then tossed it into the lake, hearing the plonk followed by a splash. She could barely make out the ripples as they hit the pier. She looked up to the night sky. She was far enough from the city to see the stars, but the moon was rising and it lit up the entire sky.

And that, of course, made her feel... well, a little depressed. She would forever associate the moon with Lisa. While she liked a good sunset, even a nice sunrise, the full moon was something special. She remembered the first time her father had dragged her out of a warm sleeping bag to hike up a hilltop to see the moon as the clock ticked near midnight. And she remembered when he bought this place. She had still been in high school. But that first summer, on the full moon of each month, he'd take her out on the boat and they would float lazily on the lake, watching as it hovered above them. Carefree times, for sure. She had discovered her love of the quiet, of the night sky, from her father. And she had never shared that with anyone.

Not until that night at the coast when she'd banged on Lisa's door, coaxing her out to share the high tide and the midnight moon with her. Roseanne wondered if she had fallen in love with Lisa that very night.

"And she's out with Tzuyu tonight," she said dryly.

Okay, maybe this date had been planned a while ago. Roseanne tried to remind herself that she had no holds on Lisa. They were dating, they were getting to know each other. They weren't technically in a relationship.

She grabbed another rock and tossed it into the lake. No, they weren't in a relationship. What the hell did she know about relationships anyway? She had no experience in anything other than dating college girls. Lisa was a mature woman used to dating women... well, women like Chou Tzuyu.

"And I am so not her," she murmured as she reached for the wine bottle, taking a long swallow.

Maybe... maybe she and Lisa were too different. Maybe they didn't have enough in common to make this into something. So what if the sex was fantastic? Was that enough?

She took another rock and tossed it in the lake, the splash disturbing the silence. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the fragrance of the old juniper that guarded the pier. Yes, the sex was something special. That didn't necessarily mean their relationship would be as well. She let out a frustrated sigh and lay back on the pier, arms out to her sides. She stared up into the heavens, wishing she could turn her thoughts to something other than Lisa... and Tzuyu.

But they continued to dance around in her head, making her crazy. She closed her eyes to the stars, instead picturing sunshine and sand, racing waves on the beach, the roar of the surf, the cry of the gulls, all things that would forever be linked to Lisa. But still, it was a peaceful feeling that washed over her. Because she could see the look in Lisa's brown eyes, the look she had after they made love. The look that told her it was more than just sex. It was making love.

She opened her eyes again, blinking into the night sky, focusing again on the stars. She rolled her head to the side, finding the moon as it rose higher into the sky. Lisa's eyes couldn't lie. She smiled slightly. No, those eyes didn't lie.

She sat up and grabbed another rock, giving it an easy toss into the lake. So maybe she had overreacted. As Ashley had said, it was a business date. Probably. No reason for her to be riddled with jealousy. No reason to act like a stupid spoiled child or run and hide from Lisa.

"Do you want some company?"

Roseanne jumped, nearly falling off the pier and into the lake. "Jesus Christ Lisa, you scared the crap out of me!"

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