Chapter 8

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Lisa stretched her legs out, her sore muscles protesting after their night of activity. She felt Roseanne's warm body next to her and she opened her eyes, wondering what time it was. The room was still dark so she closed them again as she felt Roseanne stir. The blonde rolled towards her, slipping an arm possessively across her waist.

Lisa turned, letting her lips brush against Roseanne's face. She should be exhausted. She was exhausted.

But after nearly a year of neglect, her body was still making demands. Even though they'd been in bed for hours and Roseanne had made good on her promise, Lisa had indeed come all night long, her body still wanted more.

Roseanne's eyes opened and she smiled as Lisa's hand moved over her hip and along the curve
of her waist.

Lisa smiled too. "It's like someone has taken over my body," she tried to explain.

"Yeah. It was me," Roseanne said before suddenly sitting up. "Come on."

"Come on, where?"

"Bathroom break, then we have to go."

"Go? Go where?" Lisa asked confused.

Roseanne stood beside the bed, completely naked. She tilted her head to Lisa. "It's almost dawn," she said as if that explained everything.

Lisa closed her eyes, refusing to move. And Roseanne is back to being Roseanne, she thought with a smile. "And that means what exactly?"

Roseanne pulled the covers off her. "That means... skinny-dipping."

Lisa sat up, trying to reach for the covers. "Oh, no. No, no, no. I am not going skinny- dipping!"

"Come on, Lis. It'll be fun!"

And that, of course, was all it took. She swung her legs out of bed, telling herself in vain that she would not, ever, go skinny-dipping. Apparently, that was about to change.

They put on the same clothes they'd worn the night before, neither of them bothering with underwear or bras. Lisa was shocked at the time. It was nearly five, but there was no sign of the impending dawn.

Darkness still hovered over the beach.

Roseanne took her hand and led her to the private pool. The few lights in the water were a mix of red and yellow, making the pool sensuously inviting.

Nonetheless, she was still nervous.

As if sensing that, Roseanne pulled her closer. "We're all alone."

The brush of her body dispersed some of her anxiety and Lisa savoured the gentle kiss Roseanne gave her. Her pulse leapt to life at the contact, making her very aware that neither of them were wearing anything beneath their clothes. Roseanne deepened the kiss, her tongue tracing Lisa's lower lip before slipping inside. Lisa's mouth opened, moaning into the kiss as Roseanne slipped a thigh between her legs.

"Have you ever made love in the water?" Roseanne whispered.

Had she? She had her own pool. She and Miyeon had shared it, surely. But at that moment, she was having a hard time recalling Miyeon's face, so it was impossible to remember if they'd ever made love in her pool.

"No. Am I about to?"

Roseanne's answer was a sexy grin, and she stripped off her clothes. Lisa stood frozen in place as Roseanne walked to the edge of the pool and dove in with barely a ripple.

God, she's got a great body.

And Lisa wanted it. Again.

She quickly took off her own clothing, tossing them on the lounge chair beside the towels they'd brought with them. Roseanne was waiting for her, she dove in, although not quite as gracefully as Roseanne. The water was cool but not overly so. She swam over to Roseanne. She had to admit, it was indeed freeing to be in the water totally naked. It had a completely different feel than when wearing a suit.

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