Chapter 16

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Lisa leaned back in her office chair, her phone held casually to her ear. She was smiling uncontrollably as Roseanne told her about the paint mishap from that morning. Her laughter was music to her ears.

"It could have been on the Three Stooges," Roseanne said. "It was only a four-foot ladder, thankfully, but it was two gallons of paint on my head. I really need to stick with the supervising."

"Surely someone got a picture?" Lisa asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm sure it's all over Facebook by now," Roseanne said with a laugh. "I'll be sure to send it to you."

"It's a shame that didn't happen when you were finishing up here. I could have seen it first-hand," she said.

They were quiet for a moment, then Roseanne cleared her throat. "I should probably let you get back to work."

Lisa glanced at her laptop, knowing she had several accounts that needed her attention. None were as appealing as chatting with Roseanne, however.

"I have a few more minutes," she said.

"Yeah? Long enough for me to talk dirty to you?"

"That depends on what kind of dirty," she said, smiling. "Will I need to close my door?"

"That could be fun. Phone sex."

"Doesn't that fall into the no hanky-panky rule?"

"I suppose. Whose stupid rule was that anyway?"

Lisa laughed. "That would be you."

"Yeah. What was I thinking?"

Lisa's smiled faded. "Are you ready to break it?"

"Do you want to make love to me Lis?"

Lisa felt her face flush, her heartbeat increase. She took a quick breath. "Yes."

Roseanne paused, but Lisa could hear her breath quicken. "We haven't really, you know, dated much."

"We spent an entire day together. That takes the place of several two and three-hour dates," she countered.

"Yeah. We could say that, couldn't we?"

Lisa heard the smile in her voice, and she smiled too. "Gets my vote."

Roseanne laughed. "You're too easy."

Lisa heard Somi clear her throat behind her and spun around, wondering how long the woman had been standing there listening. Damn.

"Umm, I need to go," she said.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Somi is standing here tapping her foot. I think she needs me."

"I see. Okay then. Talk to you later, Lis."


She put her phone down, then looked expectantly at Somi. Somi simply smiled at her and shook her head.


"Your laughter was disrupting the office."

"It was not." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "She makes me laugh."

"Yes. And I have never seen you like this before. Are you in love with her?"

Lisa nearly gasped. "In love? We hardly know each other. How could I possibly be in love with her?"

"Lisa, I was here when you met Miyeon, when you dated her. When you slept with her, I was here. When she moved into your home, I was here. And never once did I ever see you like this."

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