Chapter 17

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Roseanne towel-dried her hair, then looked into the mirror, making sure she'd gotten all the paint off her face. It's no wonder the guys didn't want her helping them. She ended up with more paint on her than on the walls. She took her time getting dressed, knowing no one else would want to use the shower. She was fairly certain she was the only one who took advantage of the office shower and dressing room. The guys would rather wait until they got home to shower. She couldn't stand having dried paint on her. On the days she helped paint, she almost always showered before leaving the office.

She was glad one of the teams was shorthanded this afternoon. It gave her a chance to get away and do something other than sit at her desk and wonder how Lisa's lunch date had gone.

Chou Tzuyu.

"What does Lisa see in her?" she asked out loud.

Well, let's see... she's rich, she's famous, she's successful. She's attractive. And she's an arrogant bitch, she added.

She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Did she really just call Tzuyu a bitch?

"Yeah, I did."

She shook her head, hating the jealousy she felt. Lisa could go out with anyone she wanted to. And in turn, Roseanne could too. Only she didn't want to. She wanted... she only wanted to be with Lisa.

How did this happen?

She stared at her reflection again, meeting her gaze head on. Yes, how did it happen that her usual college girls held no interest for her anymore?

There was only one answer: Lisa.

Well, it wouldn't do her any good hiding here in the office. She could always call up Staci and see if she wanted to get some dinner. But she knew where that would lead. No, better to pick up dinner and take it home. She grabbed her phone and headed out, thinking she'd call ahead and order some Mexican food. She was surprised to see a missed call from Lisa. She noted the time. After lunch. Somi must have mentioned that she had been there. Or maybe Tzuyu did.

She tapped the call back button, telling herself again that it was none of her business who Lisa went to lunch with, who she went out with. She had no hold on Lisa. They were only tiptoeing around dating, nothing more.

"Roseanne," Lisa answered. "I was afraid you weren't going to call me back."

"Sorry. I just noticed your missed call. What's up?" She asked, hoping she sounded a little more blasé than she felt.

"Can you... come over?"

Roseanne's eyebrows shot up. That, she was not expecting. "Umm, I guess. Is everything okay?"

"No. Everything is not okay." Lisa paused. "I want you to come over. I need... I want to break your no hanky-panky rule. If you want to, that is."

Roseanne laughed quietly. "You mean, like right now?"

"Yes. Right now."


Roseanne felt her pulse race at the thought of being with Lisa again. She didn't know if it was a good idea or not. Shouldn't they at least talk about Tzuyu? Should she tell Lisa how she felt today when she saw Tzuyu? Oh, hell, they could talk later.

"I'll be right there."

She raced out of the office and jumped into her Jeep, driving away before she'd even put on her seat belt. She tried to obey the traffic codes, she really did. The last thing she wanted was to get stopped for speeding. That would only delay her seeing Lisa... Lisa and their hanky-panky.

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