Chapter 20

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Lisa stared at herself in the mirror. Her slate grey skirt and cobalt blouse looked as striking as the salesperson had said it would. "It'll pop with the colour of your eyes." But at the moment, her eyes appeared lifeless. When the door to the restroom opened, she looked away from the mirror, and her own accusing gaze, and smiled politely at the woman who had entered.

Once back in the ballroom, she scanned the crowd, seeing familiar faces, most of whom she only saw once or twice a year. A profound sadness settled over her.

What am I doing here?

She had not heard a word from Roseanne since she left her office. Not that she expected to. Roseanne had said to call her if she wanted to get together. It was only two days, but she missed her like crazy. She hadn't dared to pick up the phone to call her. Because honestly, she didn't know what to say to her. She would wait until after the weekend, after this stupid banquet was over with.

Lunch with Tzuyu had been strained to say the least. While Tzuyu never once mentioned Roseanne or even asked what she'd been doing at Lisa's office, her demeanour made it clear that she was annoyed to find Roseanne there. Lisa saw no reason to offer an explanation. Roseanne had as much right to be there as Tzuyu did. More so, in fact. She was sleeping with Roseanne, not Tzuyu.

Yet here she was, all dressed up, with Tzuyu as her date, not Roseanne. The complicated mess her life was in right now was her own doing, all because she thought she needed to make an impression on her peers and colleagues. And for what? To be elected president? As if that would be a defining moment in her career? Her firm wasn't large, but it was large enough for her. She knew the real reason she thought she needed to add something to her professional résumé. She was simply unfulfilled in her personal life so she had turned her focus to her career, even though she was already satisfied with the path her professional life had taken.

She drew in a heavy breath, something she had been doing a lot lately. She had been dreading this evening. She looked down at her arm, seeing the dozens of twinkling diamonds flashing at her, the bracelet that Tzuyu had slipped on her wrist earlier this evening.

"There's only one thing missing," Tzuyu had said.

Lisa had looked at her questioningly. Tzuyu had produced an elegant black box and Lisa had been too stunned to offer a protest.

"You're a beautiful woman, Lisa. You deserve beautiful things."

And now here they were, mingling with her colleagues, Tzuyu playing the crowd as only she could do. Lisa looked across the throng of people, finding Tzuyu, her suit very similar to her own. Tzuyu's words were still fresh in her mind.

"You look stunning," she'd said. "I think we'll be the sharpest looking couple there."

Lisa hated to admit it, but Tzuyu had been right. They matched perfectly. But as she stared out over the crowd, her gaze traveling past Tzuyu to the others in the room, she felt as lost and... and miserable. She could not remember ever feeling this way before.

God, I hate my life.

That one thought hit home to her like no other. Yes, right now, she simply hated her life. This was not where she wanted to be. These people were not who she wanted to be with. Tzuyu was not the person she wanted as her date.

She felt her chest tighten, as an acute dose of anxiety hit her. No. This was not where she wanted to be. Before she could change her mind, before she could come to her senses, she walked purposefully toward Tzuyu. She was involved in an animated conversation with Jeon Jungkook, the current president of the organisation. Lisa didn't consider waiting for a break in their exchange.

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