Chapter 1: I promise

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Tommy's POV
Multiple POVs

Trigger Warning ⚠ (Negative thoughts, attempted suicide/suicidal thoughts, nightmares, anxiety/ED - Eating Disorder)

"I don't want to be friends with someone like you!"
"Wow such a nuisance."
"Why are you even my son, you cause nothing but problems!

"Nobody wants me," I thought to myself. "Why am I still alive?" I make my way down to a forest, midway I meet Ranboo. "Hey Tommy are you alright? You look kinda down," Ranboo asked.
I look at him with a blank emotionless expression and say, "Yes I'm alright...."
"You can always talk to me Tommy-"

I stopped myself and covered my mouth. I didn't mean to yell.... I ran away from Ranboo and made my way to the forest. I ran so far that I see a cliff near one of the parts. It's like my body was moving on it's own. I move towards the cliff and just when I was about to step off-


I woke up and looked behind me, to see Karl running up to me. He pulls my arm away from the cliff.
"Don't go near the edge, you could die and your on your last life already!" He said. I look at him with a dull expression and say, "And?" He looked at me shocked.
"I have nothing to live for, my family abandoned me, so did my friends and even Tubbo! H-H-He left me! What more do I have left?-"

I was pulled into a hug, it was so gentle.... I fell to my knees and held onto Karl crying. I soon passed out.

Karl's POV

He passed out? I pick up Tommy, he's surprisingly light? Does he feed himself? I carry Tommy all the way home. "Sapnap!" I yell. He came to the front door and opened it. "What happened?" He asked. "I saved Tommy from uh- committing suicide....." He had a shocked expression on his face. "Come in quick, let's put him in a bed," he said, opening the door wide enough for us to come in.

I carry Tommy all the way up to the guest bedroom. Then I walk back out to the living room where I see Sapnap and Quackity waiting.

"What happened?" Quackity asked. I sat down in between both of them and said, "He attempted to commit suicide...." Quackity looked like he was about to cry, I don't blame him. Tommy and him were very good friends. "Why did he?-" Sapnap asked. "He was abandoned by his friends and family, by the looks of him. He experienced trauma as well and I'm guessing he couldn't take it anymore." I said, "When I found him, his eyes looked so dull to the point it wasn't the bright blue we knew and loved. He had cuts all over him even on his looks like he's been through a lot."

Sapnap sighed and said, "Then why don't we make life better for him, hes only 16, he shouldn't be going through all of this..." Quackity chimed in, "Like adopt him?" Sapnap nodded his head and said, "Well it's all up to you guys, I'm just making a suggestion."

Quackity said, "I'm down..." They both looked at me waiting for my response. "Yes I don't mind," I said. They both looked so happy especially Quackity.

Tommy's POV

I woke up in a bed, a house? Who's house am I in? I sit up and try to make my way out of the bed but I'm suddenly hit with pain all over my body. I let out a scream for it's unbearable. I heard a door swing open, I look in that direction and see Quackity, Sapnap and Karl.

"Tommy are you okay!?" Sapnap asked. "Yes-" I wince in pain before I could finish. Big Q ran to me and put me to lay in the bed. "Your injuries are bad, we managed to bandage you up a bit, but you have to stay in bed." He said.

"You're such a nuisance Tommy, always burdening people."

I started to panic, "I-I-I couldn't d-do that to you guy-ys." I said gasping between each word. Karl rushed to me, took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Match my breathing Tommy, it's gonna be alright," he said. I did as told and matched his breathing pattern. I look around the room and notice Sapnap is gone. Where did he go?

Sapnap walks in with some food in his hands. It's not that I'm not hungry, I just don't want to eat. I feel like I'm a burden. Why can't I do anything right?


I blink and see all three of them near the bed. "Yes?..." I asked. "Are you hungry?" Sapnap asked me. "N-No I'm not hungry right now, thank you...." I said. I noticed Karl looked at me with a stare. "Why aren't you eating Tommy?" He asked me. I looked at him with shock and then all eyes were back on me.

"Wha-What do you mean I'm just not hungry right now..." I said. He continues to stare at me, it's like he can see through my lies....
"When I carried you here, you were almost as light as a feather, that's not normal for someone your age," he said.

I looked away from him, he was right..... I'm hungry but I don't wish to eat. I'm tired but I don't want to sleep. I look back at him and say, "I-I-I'll try..." He smiled at me, took the food from Sapnap and started feeding me.

"Such a burden, you can't do anything right. No wonder everyone abandoned you."

I sigh. I feel numb again, I don't feel pain. I can't move my fingers, I can't feel my body. I can hear voices talking to me but it's like I'm not there. What's wrong with me?

They finished feeding me and then cleaned up my wounds. "Get some rest Tommy," Sapnap and Karl said leaving the room. Now it's just me and Quackity, he held my hand. "Why?..." He said quietly. I looked at him then looked at the ceiling. "Why did you try to kill yourself Tommy?" He asked choking on some of his words. It sounded like he was trying not to cry. I looked at him and he looked me, we locked eyes with each other.

Quackity's POV

I looked at Tommy while he looked at me. Karl wasn't kidding, his eyes looked so dull it's like this isn't Tommy. "What's the point of living Big Q?" He asked me. "For the people you love," I said. "What happens if you have none of those things?" He asked me. I froze, I didn't know how to answer him. "I don't know...." I replied. He chuckled and said, "I thought so.... Don't worry about me Quackity. I'm alright, I won't do it again...." I looked up at him and asked, "You promise?"

He looked at me for a few moments, like he was deciding on what to say. He sighed and said, "I promise."

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now