Chapter 17: I Mean It!

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Ranboo's POV

I watched at Theseus' and I's appearance once more. I watched as my wings turned from Gold to the Rainbow. I looked over at Tommy and his wings did the same thing. I saw my choker that Tommy gave me start glowing. Hmmm? Tommy giggled, "I guess you really are my bitch Ranboo," he said jokingly. I sigh and chuckle a bit. I look over at Tommy, "I have some unfinished business to settle today, can you stay home for now or at least until I come back. I have some things I need to collect from Tubbo," I said. He nodded his head, I smiled and walked over to the play area for the kids.

The moment I walk in they all look at me with amazement. They ran over and immediately started jumping on me. "Oof-" I said as Shroud jumped on my back. I picked up Clementine and Michael in my arms. I raise up carrying all three of them. They all started laughing, I heard footsteps behind me. I look over and see Tommy, he walks over and takes Shroud from my back. He cradled Shroud in his arms, once he found a comfortable position for him. He looked up at me, I saw my world in his eyes. They shined so bright like blue jewels, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He smiled at me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I looked over at him and smiled. I felt a tug on my shirt so I looked down to see that it was Clementine. "Are you my new dad now?" She asked. She's so bold and blunt, I noticed Tommy looking away blushing. I chuckled and said, "Ask your Papa over there." We all then looked at Tommy, he then looked around at all of us. He then nodded his head as his face turned bright pink. All three of the kids' faces lit up. Michael oinked excitingly, I heard the other two purr.

They really were happy about that huh? I'll admit I was too, I looked over at Tommy and smiled. He noticed I was looking at him so he turned over to face me. He returned my smile then looked back at Shroud. "Well your father has some business to do. I'll be with you guys today," he said walking over to the play area. He sat down with Shroud on his lap, I then let go of the other two. They immediately ran to him, they surrounded him. They all looked back at me, "Bye Father!" The three of them yelled. "Bye-bye!" I waved to them walking away.

Now back to the serious topic at hand. I snap my fingers and teleport to the nether. I walk towards the portal, I put away my wings and slowly transform back to my normal self. I adjusted my suit as I made my way to the portal to the overworld. I was nearing the portal again and I made sure to check for any mistakes. I noticed the collar on my neck, it didn't match my black and white colour. I passed my hand over it, changed the red gem to white and the collar itself to black.

I then walk inside the portal all the way to Snowchester. I was halfway there when I saw Phil. He waved me over, I noticed and walked towards him. "Hey mate!" He said. "Hey... Phil," I said hesitantly. "What did you come here for Ranboo?" He asked. "Oh I came here to collect the rest of mine and Michael's things," I said scratching the back of my head. He nodded his head, "Okay see you later mate," he said smiling before going back to what he was doing before.

I walk away from him, out of ear shot and I sigh. I walk towards my old house and open the door. I start opening chests and collecting my things. "What are you doing here?" I heard a voice ask. I look over, I realized it was Tubbo and went back to what I was doing. "I'm collecting the last of my things," I said. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind. I quickly pushed him away from me, scoffed and went back to collecting my things.

(Song recommended: U love U by blackbear FT. Tate McRae)

I start grabbing a few more things. Tubbo then grabs my arm again.

"It's been over a day(year) or so (T) "
"I should've left a couple tears ago," I said pulling my arm away from him, "and even when I'm with you, I still feel alone..."
I look at him now we are face to face. (Got me down on my knees)
"Heart is froze, I don't feel nothin' (R)"
"Drinkin' and drugs just to feel somethin'. Stranger outside, can you let me in? Can you love me back please? (T)"
"Can the past stop repeatin'? (R)"
"Can you let me down easy? (T) "

My blood began to boil, "You're selfish, selfish, how do you love? (R) "
"Too much, too much, never enough (T) "
"You're a liar, liar, who can I trust? I love you, you love you more! (R) "
"You're selfish, selfish, how do you love? (T) "
"Too much, too much...(R) "
"Never enough. You're a liar, liar! (T) "
"Who can I trust? I love you, you love you more! (R) "

I look at him in the face and say, "I got shit to do, I'm tryin' to forget."
"But then I'm missin' you (T) "
"Addicted to yourself, you gotta read the room (R)"

He moves closer to me again and immediately back away. He sighs, "Tell me what you want from me.... Can you love me back please?" (T)
"'Tell me what you want from me?'" I raised my eyebrow.
"Can you love me back? You love me back please? (T) "
"You're selfish, selfish, how do you love? Too much, too much, never enough! You're liar, liar, who can I trust?! I love you, you love you more... (R)"

(You're selfish, selfish, how do you love? Too much, too much, never enough.)

I turn my face to look away from him and say, "You're liar, liar, who can I trust? I love you, you love you more..." He moves closer to me, "Tell me what you want from me... (R) "
"Can you love me back, please? (T)

(Tell me what you want from me, ayy, oh)

I step away from him but he keeps coming closer. "Tell me what you want from me?... (R) "
(Can you love me back please) I end up being backed into a wall. "Tell me what you want from me? (R) "
"Can you love me back? Love me back, please? (T) "

I see him reaching his hand over towards me, I look away in the other direction. Suddenly I feel a figure in front of me. I look over and it's Theseus...

"You're a liar, liar, who can I trust?" Theseus said smacking Tubbo's hand away, "I love you, you love you more!"
"You're selfish, selfish, how do you love? (T) "
"Too much, too much, never enough? You're liar, liar, who can I trust? I love you, you love you more!" Theseus yelled.

"Stay away from Ranboo! He just came for his things then he'll leave for good this time," Theseus yelled. He looked over at me, "Well don't just stand there, finish up quickly so we can leave." I snapped back into reality and nodded my head. I quickly went upstairs for Michael's things as I heard them scream at each other from downstairs. I quickly grab the rest of mine and Michael's things then walk back downstairs. "WE'RE LEAVING AND THAT IS FINAL!" Theseus yelled.

(Song ended? I know :) Enjoy: Montero by Lil Nas X or Women by Doja Cat)

I walked over towards him. He noticed me and quickly grabbed my hand, he then teleported us to the nether. He let go of my hand, crosses his arms and scoffed. "Let's go," he said with an irradiated tone. I followed him through the nether. The walk was silent, I can tell he was still mad. "I-" I tried to speak before I was interrupted by Tommy grabbing my arm and walking with me. I look down at him and he scoffed, "This is a one time thing, don't get used to it okay." I smiled and nodded my head as we made it through the nether.

I just realized, "What about the kids Theseus? Did you leave them alone?" I asked. "I put them down for a nap, so they won't wake up till later," he replied. I sighed, "Tomorrow I need to go out to get Foolish," Tommy said, "Then everything will be set." I nod my head. We walk through the portal then Tommy snaps his fingers taking us to the water base. "I'll take Michael's things and put it in his room, you organize yourself," he said. I nod my head and pass Michael's items to him.

He walked into the kids' room while I walked into ours putting things away. I really owe it to Theseus... He saved me yet again... Can I truly do anything for him? "I can hear you, you know?" Theseus said. I look back and see him leaning on the door way. He closes the door and walks towards me. He places both of his arms on my shoulders, "Why do you think like that?" He asked.

I sighed and said, "You do everything for me but I can barely do anything for you..." I couldn't meet his eyes. "Well at least look at me when you are lying through your teeth," he said. I turned my head and said, "I'm not ly-" I looked at him and he was smiling at me. He then ran his hands through my hair, undoing my ponytail, letting my hair fall. "There is no need to think in such a way. You've done more for me then you've know Ranboo," he said. You don't need to lie to me Theseus...

He flicked my forehead, "Ow-" I said before looking at him. "Why would I lie?" He asked raising an eyebrow, "You can read my mind and tell if I'm lying or not." I looked into his eyes to find the truth. He wasn't lying at all.... "See?" He said resting his head on my chest. I smile and hug him back. Thank you Theseus...

(Did I go to far with the platonic relationship? Let me know :) Have a nice night y'all)

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