Chapter 7: You Failed!

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Multiple POVs
Tommy's POV

I wake up at 4AM. I don't want to bother those 3 but I need to know what Phil has to say. I get up and get ready. I take a shower after I wrap myself in layers of clothes to keep warm. I leave a note on the table and then exit the house. I flap my wings and take off to Phil's house. I hope it goes the way I want it to. I land a close distance away and tuck my wings into my hoodie.

I have to wear a hoodie and a blindfold so I don't scare other people. I walk over to Phil's house, it's 5 AM. He should be awake right? I knock on the door and hear, "Coming!" I wait a few seconds before the door is opened. It's Phil, "Hello how may I help you?" He asked. I sighed and said, "Hey Phil it's me...." He looked at me for a moment and said, "Tommy?" I nod my head and look up to see him leaning on the door.

"You're coming back to me aren't you?" He asked raising an eyebrow with a dissatisfied look. I scoffed and said, "As if! I just want to know something and I'll be on my way." He raises his eyebrow more, just when I'm about to say something I hear footsteps from behind me. I turn around to see Techno standing there. I sigh and say, "Hello Techno..." He crosses his arms and says, "Theseus.." I look back at Phil and ask, "16 years ago, where did you find me?" He looked a bit shocked by the question. "You're my son, what do you mean where I found you-" he asked before I interrupted him. "DON'T! Lie to me, please Phil. I know your not my real father, I look nothing like you." I exclaimed.

He persisted and said, "But Tommy you are my son...." My blood boiled, "If you were my real father you wouldn't have abandoned me! Now tell me the fuckin truth Phil!" I yelled. He sighed and said, "Fine, your mother gave you to me a week before she died. She told me to take care of you because she knew she was going to he killed soon...." "You failed." I murmured.

Phil's POV

"What was that Tommy?" I asked. "YOU FAILED!" He yelled, "YOU FAILED TO DO THE ONE THING MY MOTHER ASKED YOU TO DO! YOU DIDN'T RAISE ME, I RAISED MYSELF TO SOON LATER BE ABANDONED! YOU CLAIM TO RAISE ME HUH?!" I saw that his hood and blindfold was dissolving. His eyes were red and he was crying lava, his hair was lava as well. I heard him screech like an endermen. The whole ground began to shake. I held onto the door frame for balance as I look at Tommy.

Techno had to hold on to the railing. Tommy raises his wings. He had wings? They are so big and they have a pattern/emblem on them. The lava slowly started burning things. "TOMMY!" someone yelled.

Tommy's POV

I heard someone yell my name but I didn't care. Next thing i know I feel a pair of arms around me. I turn my head and see Sapnap hugging me. "TOMMY YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!" He yelled. I stopped screeching and lowered my wings. "We are right here Tommy." Mama Q said. I look him in the eye and my body calmed down. I felt my lava cryingturn to ash and my lava cool down. "Mama Q? Dadnap? Papa Karl?" I said stumbling on words.

I turn around and hug Sapnap. "I'm sorry," I said while sobbing. He rubbed my back and guided me to Karl and Quackity. "Dadnap? Papa Karl? Mama Q?" Phil asked, "What is going on Tommy?!" "I'll tell you what's going on! We adopted him that's what!" Sapnap yelled.

Sapnap's POV

Phil and Techno looked surprise by my statement. "Y-You can't do that! He's my son!" Phil yelled. "Clearly not! You abandoned him and left him to the people who manipulated him! He was about to kill himself because he thought he had nothing to live for! You are not fit to call yourself a father!" I clapped back. I clenched my fist and turned my back, "Let's go." I said sternly. I look at Tommy and say, "Come Tommy, I'll carry you home." He walked towards me and I picked him up. He held onto me like his life depended on it. I hate seeing him like this it pains me everytime.

I look back at Phil and Techno and say, "Stay away from Tommy." We walk away before they could say anything else. We made it home, I take Tommy upstairs to his room. I sigh and place him on the bed, I walk out the room turning off the light. I walk back downstairs to where my lovers are. They looked worried, I walk over to them and hug them. "Everything is going to be just fine, don't worry." I say trying to calm them down. It worked, they eased up and got comfortable in the hug.

"How about we go go bed early, huh?" I suggest. They both nod their heads and we make our way upstairs. We get in bed and fall asleep.

Techno's POV

I was able to repair the damage Tommy had done with his outburst. When I finish I see Wilbur walking here in the distance. He comes closer and asks, "What happened here?" I sigh and reply, "Tommy happened." He scoffed and said, "Him again, always causing trouble for others. When will he grow up?" I turn to him and say, "This time it wasn't his fault for acting they way he did. Maybe if you stopped that stupid mentality of yours, you would see it." He scoffed, "Oh yeah Techno, what do I not know? Tell me what happened." He said arrogantly.

I brought him inside and told him everything that we saw. It took him some time to process but he has it down packed. I saw him smiling, why is he smiling.... "What is there to smile about Wilbur?" I asked. He chuckled and replied, "Now we know Tommy has only one weakness and it's his 'New Family'," "What are you getting at?" I interrupted. "What if we provoke him some more-" "Count me out." I said interrupting him, "We've cause enough damaged to him already. Especially you Wilbur, we are lucky enough he hasn't killed us all yet. If you outrage him to that extent only God knows what Tommy will do to you."

"Even worse the entire server. Do NOT provoke him anymore. If you do it's basically suicide. He isn't the weak boy that you can manipulate anymore. He shook the ground Wilbur! He shook the ground! What else could he be capable of?!" I yelled. "Enough you two," Phil said walking in, "If you provoke Tommy Wilbur, anything that happens to you, we can't help you with. We are no match for him in the current state that he is in. He is unstable and if you go by your selfish desire, you'll damn the entire server! We don't know what he's capable of."

He rolled is eyes and said, "We'll never know unless we try. He's too sensitive anyway, say the right words and you'll play him like a fiddle." I scoffed and say, "It's your grave your digging." I get up and head to my house that's across from Phil's. I really hope Wilbur doesn't do something stupid again.

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now