Side Story: Server Reaction + Fluff

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Multiple POVs
Phil's POV

I was carrying a basket of fruit for Ranboo then I see a text message in the chat. "Huh?" I said to myself. I open it and I was shocked to what I read.

"WilburSoot was burned to death by Godinnit" WilburSoot's last canon life is gone.

My heart dropped. "Will," I said to myself falling to my knees. I feel the shadow of someone approach behind me. They place a hand on my shoulder, I look behind me and see that it was Techno. "Do not beat yourself up Phil, we warned him not to do it. It was bound to happen...." He said with a sigh. Will... Why do you never listen....

Nikki's POV

I was gathering more materials for my bunker when I notice the chat log: Chat(1). I open it to see what it is. My heart dropped, "Will's dead...." I said to myself. "Jack!" I yelled. "Yes!" He replied. "W-Wilbur's dead!" I yelled back, my voice started breaking. Jack ran over and hugged me, I held on to him. I started crying, Will and I were best friends ever since we were little. "Godinnit..." Who is that person.... I'll kill them.

Ranboo's POV

I was in a call with Tubbo when the chat log popped up on my screen. "Tubbo...." I said. "What's up big man, something wrong?" He asked. "I- uh..." I stumbled, "I think T-Tommy killed Wilbur...." Tubbo didn't reply, he was silent. "Tubbo?" I asked. He was still silent then he spoke, "What?...." He asked. We both were in a state of shock. We didn't know what to think or do. What has become of Tommy now?

Awesamdude's POV

I saw the chat log. "Godinnit"? Innit, innit.... "Tommy?" I said to myself. Did Tommy kill Wilbur? Nobody else has the same last bit of their name.... Besides Tommy. Will he be a threat in the future? Hmm...

Dream's POV

Tommy.... I started to fear the worst. He's a God now? Since when, how come I didn't know? Why didn't he tell me? He used to tell me everything because I was his "friend". Will he be a problem in the future? Will he come to kill me? I started to laugh, of course he wouldn't kill me....he doesn't have the guts to.

(Have your fluff now, I know I put you guys through a lot of angst, so here's some comfort 😊)

Quackity's POV

I wake up in my room, I feel an unfamiliar body next to me. I look over and see Tommy in the middle of the bed. Karl was on the right side just looking at him with a smile. I turn over and face the both of them, Tommy was still sleeping but he looked like a new born baby. I placed my pointer finger in his hand and he gentle gripped onto it. Karl did the same and again Tommy gripped onto his finger.

We both chuckled. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I noticed features on him changed. His hair is 100x longer, it reaches even passed the bed and still going. His right hand looks like an endermen's and he was still crying ash. He had long magma lashes and he still had his crown on. Can he not take it off? He slowly opened his eyes. He yawned then looked at both of us. "Morning sleepyhead," Karl said. Tommy looked at both of us then looked at his hands. He noticed he was holding on to our fingers.

He just smiled, "Morning," he said. Karl squealed, "You are so cute Tommy!" (Platonic 😔😔) His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and he looked away. We laughed at Tommy's actions. Next thing I knew I hear a photo being taken. We all look in the direction to see Sapnap with a camera. "Going in the picture book," he said. We all laughed. It's nice being with each other and having fun.

I still feel a little fatigued...I start closing my eyes. Then I feel a hand on my chest, I look to see who it is. It's Tommy, "You okay Mama Q?" He asked. I slowly nod and say, "Just a little tired Toms..." I said closing my eyes. Suddenly feel a burst of energy in me, my fatigue is gone. I open my eyes to see Tommy's eyes glowing yellow. Is it Tommy that's doing that? I look down at my chest and realize that his hand is glowing yellow as well. It is Tommy! His eyes turned back to normal and he removed his hand from my chest. "Better?" He asked.

I smile, "Yes, thank you!" I replied. I wonder what else Tommy could do. Did he heal us as well? I don't feel any pain, no cuts or wounds on my wings. Nothing. The future has a lot in store huh?

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now