Chapter 4: An Old "Friend"

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Multiple POVs
Tommy's POV
Trigger warning (Negative thoughts, verbal abuse, cursing and yelling)

"Hello Tommy," the voice said. I turn around and then I froze in place. It's Wilbur who was talking to me. "I didn't know you had wings Tommy. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I-I don't have to t-tell you shit!" I snap back, "Just tell me where Ranboo is and I'll be on my way." Wilbur chuckled, "He isn't here but while you're here, why not spend time with your brother huh?" He said.

The rage in me boiled up, "You're not my brother! You did nothing but manipulate and abandon me!" I yelled. He wasn't pleased by my answer. He walked closer to be and I kept stepping back until I walked into a tree. Shit! He walks up to me and places his hand on my chin, raising it up to meet his eyes. "Who's fault do you think that was Tommy?" He asked.

I tried pulling away but he kept me still. "Maybe if you actually did what I told you to do, we wouldn't have such a problem Tommy! You're always so disobedient Tommy! Why can't you do anything right?! No wonder everyone abandoned you!" He said.

"He's right,"
"No wonder nobody loves you,"
"Why are you wasting your time chasing after pointless things?"

"Once a failure, always a failure," Wilbur said. My eyes went wide. He's right, he's right, he's right, he's right, he's right, he's right, he's right, he's right, he's right.

Quackity's POV

Tommy hasn't come back yet, it's already 4 o'clock. I'm starting to get worried. I make my way to where Tommy is and I hear yelling. I immediately pick up the pace and find Wilbur holding Tommy. Tommy is crying and his eyes looks so broken and dull. I run over and push Wilbur off of Tommy and I pull him in my wing. He clings on to me, "Big Q..." Tommy said whimpering. I felt the rage boil in me.

"What the fuck did you do to Tommy asshole?" I yelled. Wilbur chuckled and said, "I only told him the truth. Everyone abandoned him because he doesn't listen." I yelled, "I've never abandoned Tommy and never plan on doing so, so take that statement and shove it up your-" Tommy tugs on my shirt. "I wanna go home Big Q....." Tommy whispered. "Watch your back Wilbur," I growled with a glare. I take Tommy to the restaurant in Las Nevadas. I pass him a bottle of water and sit next to him.

He doesn't even touch the water, he just clings on to me. I hug and wrap him around my wings, "You're safe now, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," I said stroking his hair. "Big Q?" He said. "I'm right here Tommy," I replied. "If I listened to everyone else, would I have been abandoned?" He asked. I shook my head, "The outcome will still be the same, they'll just use you and abandoned you again. The only reason they're upset because they couldn't manipulate you anymore. It isn't your fault it's theirs," I replied.

Tommy's POV

"Their fault?" I asked, "So they blamed everything on me because they can't take the burden of their own actions?" I look up at Big Q and he nodded his head. Deep down I knew everything wasn't my fault. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I yelled.

Big Q pat my back, "Tommy calm down," he said. "I'm sorry," I replied. He ran his right hand through my hair and rubbed my back with his left, "Let it out Tommy," he said. The moment he said that the tears overflowed, I couldn't control them. They just kept coming and coming. Then there was no tears, just silence and a warm embrace. "Do you feel better now," Quackity said in a soft voice. I nod my head yes and look up at him, "Can I call you Mama Q?" I asked.

He chuckled and said, "Why not?" He comforts me like a mother, I've never met my real mother. His touch is so gentle as well. "Don't fall asleep on me now," he chuckled, "I can't carry you home, you're too big for me." I smiled and lifted my head from his chest, "Okay," I said. We walked out of the restaurant, it's almost night time. We both flapped our wings and flew home, Mama Q did some tricks on the way home to cheer me up.

I laughed and smiled. We made our way to the Landing pad near the house and landed there. We both walk up to the door and walk in. "We're home!" Mama Q said. Sapnap was on the couch and he shot in our direction. He got up and hugged both of us, "Welcome back," he said. We took off our shoes and then I yawned. "I'm tired, I'm heading off for the night. Bye-bye!" I said running upstairs.

"Night Tommy!" I heard them yell. I walked into my room and changed my clothes. I jumped on my bed and immediately fell asleep.

Quackity's POV

I grit my teeth, they keep on manipulating Tommy. Like he's some type of object or something. I was stuck in my thoughts then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see Sapnap hugging me. My cheeks turn slightly red and I place my hands on his chest looking up at him. He kisses both of my cheeks, my forehead and says, "What's a handsome boy like you stressed about?" I giggle at the compliment. "It's Wilbur....he tried to manipulate Tommy..." I said looking away.

"He kept saying how it's Tommy's fault that everyone abandoned him. When everyone just blamed everything on Tommy and they believed it since he's a 'Trouble maker'." I explained, "He even believed it himself," I scoff and turn my head back to Sapnap. He has a worried expression on his face. I place one of my hands on his cheek and said, "Don't worry I told him the truth about everyone else, so he should be getting better by now. When he found out he was in a fit of rage, he knew deep down it wasn't his fault."

Sapnap sighed he sounded relieved. He said, "Good at least we can go from there right?" I nod my head and lean into his chest. "He called me Mama Q today," I said that smirking, "I want my 50 bucks." Sapnap rolled his eyes and handed me my money. We made a bet to see who Tommy would call us his parents first. I know it's kinda messed up but we just wanted to gloat in the others faces. We all care for Tommy, we really do.

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now