Chapter 9: Where Are They!

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Multiple POVs
Wilbur's POV

It's been an entire month, where the fuck is Tommy? He should've been here weeks ago! I poisoned Quackity, burned Karl and beat up Sapnap. If he doesn't come soon, I might as well.... Dispose of them.

Quackity's POV

I could barely move, I'm on the brink of death. I know Tommy isn't coming because before Wilbur abducted us, Tommy was in such a state of shock he's been in a coma. I guess he hasn't woken up yet.... Everytime when I think it's gonna get gets worse. I've been shot with poisoniess arrows for the 10th time this month. Karl is recovering from his burns and Sapnap is taking beatings.

Soon enough Karl and Sapnap will break, so will I. I can only last so long. Sapnap despite his injuries keeps warming me up, when I tell him to not waste his energy. He gets mad at me and tells me to stop being so stubborn. Rich coming from him, he's the most stubborn. I just hope Tommy's safe....

(Song recommendation: "Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon")

Tommy's POV

My memories have just been replaying over and over again. I keep having fights with the people I once loved. But I feel like I'm forgetting something. I beat myself up everyday because of it. What is it? What is it? What is it! I hit my fists to the ground and then suddenly I hear a voice.

"Who's there?"
"There's no need to be afraid Tommy, we'll stick with you when no one else does."

I remember those voices. They voice would always bring me reassurance. I can't remember the people behind it.

"Wow Tommy! Your wings are so cool! You're just like...."
"Who am I like? Who am I like?"

A lot of questions filled my mind. Who am I like? I remember the voice but can't remember the face or the name.

"Tommy. You cannot fear this power, if you do it will consume you. You can do no harm to me because I'm resistant to heat."
"Sapnap.... Sapnap said that line, where's Dapnap?"

"What did you do to Tommy asshole! Stay away from him!"
"That's Quackity.... Mama Q? Where are you?"

"No need to be afraid Tommy. I'm right here when you need me."
"Karl.... That's Papa Karl's voice"

I stand up and look around. "Where are you?!" I yelled looking around, "Please don't leave me again!"

Three figures appear behind me and give me a hug. "We're not going anywhere Tommy. We are right here when you need us." I went to hug back but they disappeared. Where did they go? I could hear them screaming in pain. I look in the direction and I see Big Q shot by two arrows. I look at the other two and Karl looks like he has burns on him while Sapnap looks beaten.

I try to run to them but when I do, I fall into a hole. "No. No! Take me back! Take me back!" I yelled. My hair turned into lava, and my ash crying turned to lava as well. I saw a vision appear in front of me. It's a man and a women. Who are they? I look closer to see them cradling a baby.

"Oh my beautiful son, Theseus. Please forgive me, I must give you away to be safe. Please live on...." She kissed the baby's head and runs away. I follow her and see her give the baby to another man. He looks like Phil....

"Please take care of my son. He's not safe here." The women cried. Phil nodded his head and went out of the nether. The setting started to warp. I was in another place? Everything was destroyed, I see dead bodies on the ground as well. I run inside to see if the women is okay. I make it to what seems like the thrown room. I watched as someone stabbed her in her heart. She was crying.... Why did it hurt me to see her cry? I don't know her....

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