Chapter 3: A New Life

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Tommy's POV

Last week Karl, Big Q and Sapnap adopted me which is really pog. At least I'm not alone anymore. They even took the time out of their days to spend time with me. My old family was always busy especially Phil.... It's like he wasn't there. Same thing with Techno but he still thinks I betrayed him on purpose.

Tubbo made me automatically turn to him it's like he put something in my brain. Whenever he needs help it's like I'm fuckin conditioned to help him. I've realized that in exile but I still hung on to the friendship that was one sided. Me dying in prison confirmed my suspicion.
Dream opened my eyes while shattering my spirit in the process. The only person who cared was Ranboo.

At least now I know that Big Q, Karl and Sapnap care. When Karl and Sapnap are at work it's just Big Q and I. He taught me how to cook properly and he even let me play with his wings sometimes. I have wings too I just never told anyone. Not Phil, not Dream, not Ranboo, not Tubbo, no one. I only bring them out to wash them in the shower. That in itself is a task since they are highly sensitive.

I can't sleep at night, everytime I try I always wake up from a nightmare. The same one everytime, it's just Dream killing reviving me and the things Wilbur said when I was dead. The voices too, they always talk to me. They keep getting louder and louder. I'm glad my voices aren't like Techno's, I don't want blood. I just want my suffering to be over.

Karl noticed my distress one night. "Are you okay Tommy?" He asked. I nodded my head and my breathing increased. He took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Follow my breathing," he said. His voice was so calming, how is be always so calm? I did as told and I calmed down a bit. "Can you tell me what happened?" He said holding my hand.

I told him everything, I don't know why I did. He has an effect that makes me want to spill all my worries and distress. I couldn't stop myself. After I told him I covered my mouth and looked away. He giggled and said, "No need to be embarrassed. I'm not gonna judge you." I look back at him and hug him, he returns the hug as well.

He makes me feel safe, I've never felt safe in Wilbur's arms. Not even in Techno's or Phil's. Why didn't I feel safe with them? I guess little me was right they ended up abandoning me later on. I enjoyed the hug so much that I let my guard down, my wings popped out. "Shit," I said to myself.

Karl did a mini squeal, "You're like Quackity oh my god, that's so cool," he said. I smiled and just put my wings away. I layed back down in my bed. Karl got up, kissed my forehead and said, "Night Tommy!" I watched him walk out the room and close the door. I touched my forehead and smiled. I bet I look like an idiot huh?

I immediately fall back asleep. This time the dream was good. Guess I got too caught up in it, I woke up late. Like late, late, 12 PM late (not night, lunch time).
I sit up in my bed and decide that today is the day. "Fuck it," I said. I spread out my wings. My wings are like Phil's but a bit bigger. I have black wings with a red tint at the bottom. I get up from my bed and walk over to the bathroom. I shower then change my clothes.

I'm stuck in my thoughts again....What if they don't like my wings. Maybe I should hide them again. Karl liked them, maybe the others will? If they don't I'll just put them away forever. Maybe I just shouldn't show them-


I look up and see Big Q in front of me. "You're gonna be okay, I'm right here," he said. I steady my breathing and started to calm down a bit, "Thanks Big Q," I said breathing a bit heavy. He smiled and hugged me. He departed from the hug and noticed my wings. His face lit up, "You're like me! I'm glad, I'm no longer the only one with wings in the house! Wanna fly with me to Las Navadas?" He asked. I nodded my head I haven't flown in a while....

"Wait downstairs for me, I'll be there in a second," he said. I did as told and waited downstairs. I saw food on the table with a note:

"For you Tommy :)"


I smile and began to eat. When I finish Big Q walks downstairs. "Did you eat Big Q?" I asked. He looked over at me and said, "Yeah I ate earlier." I got up and washed my dishes, when I finished I went to the door and put on my shoes. Big Q put his shoes on as well then we walked out the door. He locked it and walked over to me. "Ready?" he asked.

"I haven't flown in a while...." I said. "No worries I got you," he said taking my hand, "3, 2, 1" We both flapped our wings and we flew a bit above the ground. This is cool, I should fly more! I let go of his hand and to fly on my own. "I feel like a Mama bird watching their kid fly for the first time," he said that while wiping a fake tear. We both laughed and told jokes to each other as we made it to Las Navadas.

When we reach there I see a landing pad. I follow Big Q's lead and land on it. He clapped and said, "You did well!" I smiled and put my wings to rest. We stayed their all the way till 3PM. I saw Ranboo's food truck that he was talking about and decided to stop by before we leave. "I'm going to see Ranboo really quick, I'll be back Big Q!" I yelled. "Okay, don't go too far!" He yelled back.

I flew all the way to the food truck. I landed near the window and yelled, "Hello!" A voice I hoped that I would never hear again,"Hello Tommy." I slowly looked in the direction and I freeze.

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now