Breaking Down - Poem

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Breaking Down

I want to break down...

I want to cry,

I feel like ripping my heart out.

If I do that... 

Will these feelings go away?

I feel like you're something I can't have,

I feel like I just annoy you to no end,

I feel like I'm running in circles,

And I know,

I'm breaking down.

I want to scream,

I want to cry,

but my pride holds me back.

I want to tell you,

I want to discuss this, 

but I can't work up the courage.

I know you know, 

I told you, remember?

Could you please stop acting like it never happened?

I don't know if I can take this any longer...

I'm breaking down,

and even after all this time,

and so much work,

I feel like just giving it up.....

I don't think I can do this anymore...

I can't take it.

I think that is when you know...

you're breaking down.

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