Flug opened his eyes,
he was on the floor, laying on his stomach.
His head was pounding, his ears were ringing,
and for some reason, the air burnt his nose as he breathed in.
He tried to move, but his body felt like it was made of lead.
He tried to focus his mind and remember what the hell happened.
Then it hit him.
He just groaned in annoyance of his own incompetence.He tried to look around a bit more,
the room was filled with smoke,
That explains why the air hurts to breathe, he thought to himself already annoyed.He tried to roll over onto his back,
but he winced from the pain,
the entire left side of his body felt like it had been crushed, and his arm felt like it had been snapped off.
He tried to wiggle his fingers, and he could.
He sighed in relief, at least his arm wasn't completely broken,
He suspected by the pain oh his side that he must've had at least one broken rib though.He just laid there for a second,
out of options,
Thinking of something he could possibly do.
Well... He thought to himself.
It's not like this is the worst situation you've been in.
If I've survived this long, surely i can figure a way out of this one.Well... here goes.
He closed his eyes tightly in anticipation of the pain he was about to endure.
He then tried to roll over once more, hearing bones pop in the process.
He screamed out in pain,
but... He did it.
He was now laying on his back, he moved his messed up hand over his face, hoping to keep some of the smoke out of his lungs.Now what.
He looked around the room,
between his blurry eyes and how much smoke was already in the room, he couldn't see much.
But he did see that the door exiting the lab wasn't too far from where he was laying,
if he could just, make his way to the door and open it, the smoke would spread throughout the rest of the house, and wouldn't be as concentrated in this one area.If he could just, sit up.
He closed his eyes tightly, ready for the pain, using all the strength he had left, he tried lifting his body off the ground the best he could.
He got his shoulders off the ground, then,
He couldn't.
He hit the floor with a thud.He cursed himself.
If only I wasn't so weak,
I could've easily.He groaned out loud, annoyed with himself.
If only I wasn't so tired before all this happened,
i could've remember that i had already mixed the beakers together,
If my eyes wasn't so tired, i could've seen the difference.
If i wasn't so damn tired! Maybe i would have some strength left to get myself out of this mess!He slammed his un damaged hand against the concrete floor,
He just laid on his back, unsure of what to do, or if there was anything left to do.In a last ditch pathetic effort,
He bent his knees, and pushed,
Pushing himself along the floor while on his back.
He moved an inch.
He chuckled at himself,
He didn't know if it was genuine at how ridiculous this was,
Or if it was an uncomfortable laugh at how pathetic his situation is.He coughed after he chuckled,
Then he couldn't stop.
He only make it a few inches across the floor, but he was already so dizzy.
He coughed once more,
There was too much smoke.
He stopped, his vision went blurry, then it started going black.His vision was almost completely black at this point,
He was passing out.
He took one last desperate look at the door,
Then as he took one last deep breath,
His eyes started shutting.
Then the doors, he saw them...open?
Then he saw a streak of black, like a shadow, move swiftly across the room.
Then, his eyes finally closed completely.Black hat pov
A few seconds earlierAll i could do was stand there,
The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them.
Then i heard what sounded like a scream, flug's scream.
Before I could even gather my thoughts my body was already moving on its own.

The cure for one is the cure for the other (PaperHat Fic) [Ongoing]
FanfictionFlug is no stranger to sleep deprivation, but when his body grows too weak for him to simply push through it anymore, what will he do? After an incident in the lab Black hat takes notice of his scientist's sickly and unproductive state and demands F...