Wait. Is this a date?

886 36 67

I pull away from the kiss and quickly turn around, feeling embarrassed.
I try to focus, but my head is clouded with thoughts of him.

I had just told myself I was going to wait to make a move until I was certain, yet here I am kissing him like it's something we've done a thousand times before.

I reach out to grab the plate of pancakes off the counter, but I'm stopped when a hand grabs mine.
"I'll carry that~" I hear black hat say from behind me.

Still holding onto my hand,
he grabs the plate with his off hand.

He start walking towards the table, dragging me along with him.

His hand squeezes mine, almost as if he's afraid to let me go again.
I've been too embarrassed to look at him since I pulled away from that kiss.
But my curiosity is getting the better of me and I quickly glance up, he has a mix of embarrassment on his face, but I can also see a hint of a smile.

I sigh, I feel the same way.

We stop walking when we reach the table, and he hesitantly lets go of my hand.
He places the plate on the table and gestures to the chair next to me.

We both sit next to each other, neither of us brave enough to say a word yet.

"Do you remember the first time we ate here" He say's finally breaking the silence

"Of course, It was only what, like a few weeks ago?" I say confused

"Yes, but it was before I saw your face for the first time." He says as he places a pancake on my plate, and then his.

"Was it?" I say trying to think back.

"It was, I remember the only reason I had asked was a half hearted attempt to see your face."

"Hey! you weren't interested in my cooking?" I say pretending to be insulted.

He chuckles.
"That too, but I wanted to see your face~"

"I remember liking the reheated pancakes you had made,
Even If it was too sweet and cold in the middle." He says with a laugh.

"Thanks?" I say confused, unsure if that was a compliment or not.

"The way your eyes light up when I had said I liked it~
That was the first time I knew I wanted to kiss you..."

His sudden confession stuns both of us.

His gaze turns to me, his face slightly red.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this."

I look at him awestruck, my words failing me.

he claps his hands together.
"Perhaps its time to stop reminiscing.
We should eat before it gets cold,
I worked hard on this you know~"

"I... Did you just confess?" I blurt out

Black hat straightens his posture in surprise.
"Confess to what? Wanting to kiss you? I thought that was obvious given the circumstances." He says defensively

I can tell that he's getting more, and more embarrassed as the conversation continues, we both are.
Neither of us are use to talking about this sort of thing.

"Let's leave it for now" I say defeated

Even though your the one who said that-"

I give him a look, and he stops talking.

"Your right, let's eat" He says nervously

"Do we have syrup?" I say changing the subject

The cure for one is the cure for the other (PaperHat Fic) [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now