I got lost in my thoughts as i continued down the hall twords my lab.
there wasn't anything i was actually trying to hide, right?
its not like i actually had a thing for my boss.. right?!?!
i try to convince myself franticly.No. i say as i shake my head.
of course not!
demencia was just trying to get into my head.
I can't let her...
I've got too much to worry about already.I look up and see that I'm already at my lab,
I sigh loudly as I open the door,
mentally preparing myself to pull an all nighter, again.
i walk in with a huff,
almost slamming the door behind me.the thought of what demencia had said was now stuck in my head,
god she really knows how to tick me off.theres no way, me of all people could let myself get a "crush" on anyone!
Especially not on my boss!!!
absolutely not. No.i feel myself grow angrier as i desperately try to convince myself.
its not true!! i yell, throwing the plate of pancakes i was holding down on the table,
a bit harder then i intended,
but I was so frustrated at this point that I didn't care.What isn't true?
i hear a dark voice from behind me.
I turn around quickly to face the source of the voice,
of course it was black hat of all people.How long have you been here!? i asked embarrassed.
I came in right before you arrived,
i wanted to see if you had started your work yet.
you must've been too occupied to have noticed me. he says with a grin.god, i just wanted to die.
i would be more embarrassed if i wasn't already so irritated from before.Black hat then looked over at the pancakes.
only a few remained on the plate,
that rest had scattered across the table.he raised a brow.
pancakes were that bad huh?
he said teasingly.i rolled my eyes
No, the pancakes are fine,
it was the company that got me.
i said annoyed.i half heartedly start throwing the pancakes back onto the plate,
i still wanted to eat them later...oh? he says intrigued.
demencia managed to get under your skin? i thought you would be immune to her by now.
he stood there looking at me with a curious stare.i sighed,
I don't even know why I'm telling him all this, but it was nice to rant to someone...yeah...
she just, thinks she knows me better then i do, and it's really irritating,
expectully when she might be right- . i stop myself.No! she's not! i, ugh!!! i yell out as i grab the plate and slam it on the table. causing the pancakes to fall over agin.
touchy subject huh? he says softly
i didnt even notice he was getting closer to me until i felt him against my back.
i quickly snap out of my small fit of rage.
i feel his chest against my back,
he rest his head on my shoulder before snaking his hands across my arms and reaching for my own hands.
he grabs my hands that were still holding onto the plate,i know your upset, but lets leave the food out of this, okay? he said in a soft voice.
i could feel his warm breath against my neck, causing my mind to go blank,
all i could do was nod absent mindedly.

The cure for one is the cure for the other (PaperHat Fic) [Ongoing]
FanfictionFlug is no stranger to sleep deprivation, but when his body grows too weak for him to simply push through it anymore, what will he do? After an incident in the lab Black hat takes notice of his scientist's sickly and unproductive state and demands F...