pancakes and gossip.

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I gently open my eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight.
I cover my face with my arm, not wanting to get up yet.
Even though, i must say,
I do feel much more well rested then i usually do.

I must've forgotten to take my bag off again before i fell asleep again...
I need to stop doing that.
I turn around to face the rest of my room.
Then i nearly jump out of my skin,
Black hat was sitting there!
He was sitting in my chair, looking at me as he slipped on his shoes.
I need to stop forgetting he's here!
He's going to give me a heart attack!!!

Jesus! I accidentally blurt out, quickly sitting up.
Good morning flug. He simply says, apparently unphased by my yelling.
S-sorry, i forgot you spent the night.
I say as i push my goggles up a bit to rub my eyes. I seriously need to take them off before i sleep...
Then i noticed black hat was staring at me intensity.
It seems like he's trying to see something.
I suddenly feel a bit self conscious about his staring...
I speak up trying to take the attention away from me.

Honestly, i didn't expect you to be here when i woke up. I laugh a bit nervously.

You sleep walk. He says suddenly,
trying to change the subject.
H-huh?! Really?! I say shocked.
I never knew! i know i had trouble sleeping! But i didn't think... I trailed off.
What did I do? I ask
You grabbed my hand. He said tilting his head, looking pleased with himself.
O-oh... I say quietly.
Should i tell him it wasn't sleeping walking?
Or should I try and play it of?

He noticed me going quiet.
Hey, you were the one who grabbed me,
And i know you're not supposed to wake someone who's sleep walking,
so i just, let you...
I just didn't want to wake you! That's all...
He said, trying to defend himself.
though, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more then he was trying to convince me.

I, I don't usually sleep walk. I say, trying to insinuate what really happened without straight out saying it.
I look up at him to see if he caught on to what I was trying to say.
He didn't.
Don't worry about it. He says smugly.
He'll figure it out, I hope...

I move twords the ends edge of my bed,
Putting my feet on the ground.
I stretch my arms out, forgetting my injuries, i wince at the pain.
Black hat quickly stands up.
I'm okay! I quickly say to keep him from worrying.
It didn't work, he makes his way over to me and sits only a few inches next to me.
Show me. He says demandingly.
Huh? I say, not understanding what he meant.
Show me your injuries. He says sternly.
N-no?! I say embarrassed. Pulling my shirt down.
He got flustered by my reaction.
N-not your chest Flug. He says embarrassed.
I've never heard him stuttering before?!
It was a bit... cute- SURPRISING!
A bit surprising...

My arms are fine! I say quickly, trying to break some of the awkwardness.
It's just my ribs now. I say with a reassuring smile.
Let me see. He says, putting his hand out.
I carefully move my formally injured hand out to meet his.
He gently takes my hand into his, using his other hand to push up my sleeve.
Making me grow a bit warm.
Still holding onto my hand, He uses his free hand he starts taking the bandages off.
I look up to read his face, he looks unusually focused.
He takes the bandages to reveal my arm that's now only barely bruised, but otherwise looks fine.
See! All is well! I say while wiggling my fingers to further prove my point.
He doesn't say anything,
Instead he uses his finger tip to trace the bruising around my wrist.
Making me get the chills.
He looks up at to make sure I'm okay, he probably thinks he pushed too hard and hurt me.

I'm okay, Luckily for me i heal fast!
I say, trying to distract him from noticing what his touch was doing to me.

He just looks at me like he didn't quite believe me.
Well...just make sure you take a look at you other injuries, okay?
And if all is well, you should be fine to work again. He says in an almost defeated tone.
Yes! I say quickly getting up to start my day.

The cure for one is the cure for the other (PaperHat Fic) [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now