More fighting...

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So, I think it's safe to assume that I might have some sort of feelings twords black hat that aren't strictly professional.
What can I possibly do about it?


I suppose all that I can do for now, is just, keep it to myself?
It's not like i can tell anyone about it...
I wouldn't dare act on it.

Thought i must admit,
Just admitting to myself that my interest in black hat is...more than scientific,
is a huge relief?
I didn't realize that it had been bothering me so much.
I suppose that i should've guessed when i got so defensive when demencia pointed it out.

God, dementia is gonna have a field day about this, isn't she...
Well, it's not like i have to tell her,
she might've guess i had a thing for
But it's not like she can guess who it is.
I need to be more careful...

Then it's decided.
I'll just push all my feelings down,
and pretend that everything's fine.
I nod, trying to reassure myself.

First things first,
I have to get my work done...

I spend what feels like hours just re-sorting through the papers that had been scattered due to the explosion,
After i finish i take a quick brake and start a pot of coffee,
While I wait for the coffee to brew I glance over twords the table black hat was,
Then I see the pancakes.
I can't help but feel by face grow warm.

I can't believe he accused me of flirting,
Even if he was joking...

I shake my thoughts away.
Grab a cup of coffee, and sit down.

I start my report on the explosion,
Without any interruptions or intrusive thoughts about black hat...
It goes surprisingly quick!
Luckily most of my research from before wasn't destroyed,
so i just applied that,
along with more details about my mistake...

Honestly, it's embarrassing to admit that due to lack of sleep i completely failed my experiment,
on the last stage of development.
At least now i have proof on my hypothesis as to what would happen if the two bases were mixed incorrectly.
Not that i needed it....

But in good news, the report is finished.
All i need to do now is deliver it.
I look at the clock,
it's already half past midnight...

Since I'm already going to see him to give him my report,
I wonder if black hat would say no if i ask him to let me do his examination?
He did promise after all,
But it's already late...
No harm in asking though, right?

Even if he does say no...
I'm not nearly as interested in the scientific details about him anymore....
I just wish i knew whats gotten into him lately.
What's causing his sudden shift in behavior?
Is it only twords me?
And if so, why?
And why does the thought of him being like that twords someone else make me feel... upset?
I just, want answers...

I'm a scientist, not knowing anything is driving me crazy...

I do want to know more about him,
And not from a scientific abnormality point of view.
Like, does he even enjoy food or sleeping?
If so, what is his favorite food?
Does he have one?
What has he tried?
If he does, does he have a preference for other things? Like colors or music?
I know he likes classical music, and i assume his favorite color would be black...
But i never really gave it much thought.

I wonder...
Black hat has agreed to an examination,
But he never specified on which type.
So theoretically, I can just ask him questions about himself and call it even, right?

The cure for one is the cure for the other (PaperHat Fic) [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now