F O U R T Y - F O U R

732 42 7

Katsuki really loved how safe his teacher's apartment felt. The man too, he always felt safe in his hero teacher's presence.

After all, it was Eraserhead who had saved him, not All Might. All Might hadn't come.

All Might never came to save him.

He had to be number one. So that he could do what All Might didn't. So he could save the kids who couldn't escape. To protect them from the world they'd been unnecessarily thrown into.

He had to be number one.

"So, whatever the plan? You're going to block sixteen with Kaminari?"

Katsuki nodded, too busy petting Kiniro to look up. "Yeah. I'm bringing Kami"

"What for?"

"Well I want him to meet the Kayama's. They practically raised me. And..." Katsuki finally looked up. "I have to tell Boss about my date. I figured bringing 'im would be some damn good evidence"

"And you trust it to be safe for the both of you?"

"Well, obviously I can just beat their asses without my quirk easily. And I already made a display last time so they'll all remember, so there's that too. So yeah it's safe for us. Mineta will probably come too, he's not to bad now that he's a decent human"

"I'll trust your judgement on that but I'll be swinging by to make sure"

"Yeah, yeah. Paranoid parent-teacher"


"I– uhm– you're uh– fucking– you're like– uhm–"

Aizawa laughed "I get it"

Katsuki had hidden his face with his sleeve, his other hand still petting the precious cat. He hadn't meant to say the parent part out loud. His teacher was probably weirded out.

"Am I a good parent?" His teacher joked.

He looked up. "You're the best. You're a hero- my hero. You know that right? You're the one that fucking saved me"

"I know, kid"

"I don't think you do. I would be dead. I would've fucking died. So many times. But I'm... You saved me. A lotta people did"

"Like the Kayamas?"

"Yeah. They saved me too" Katsuki smiled when his teacher hummed. They fell into a comfortable silence. He ran his hand along Kiniro's body, head to back before going back to repeat the motion. The cat really did have a heart of gold. If cats could smile, he swore that Kiniro would be.

"Can I keep you?" He mumbled, not really addressing anyone but himself. "You're so damn cute, huh?"

The cat gave a happy noise. Katsuki grinned, moving to pull the cat onto his lap. He leaned over, curling to nuzzle into the cat as he rubbed at the cat's head.

Maybe he could convince his teacher to hand over the cat when this whole business got sorted out.


"Huh? I didn't even say anything" Katsuki tilted his head.

"I'm a pro hero, I can read into your actions. Kiniro's mine"

"Damn, I can't even have co-custody?"

Aizawa gave a sceptical look. "Who's paying child support?"

"Mic is"

His teacher's eyes shone, crinkling in a way that told of his happiness. "I'll agree to that then"

Picking up Kiniro, Katsuki brought the sweet cat close and whispered to him. "You can be my mascot, then" The cat simply gave a happy noise back, nuzzling into Katsuki's shirt. He felt so euphoric. Cats always made him feel good. But he was so much better than good right now. He had a cat, his number one hero, and mom was nowhere in sight. Plus he was going to block sixteen tomorrow. 

Everything was finally perfect.


"Hey! It's Purote!" Katsuki grinned at the kids from where he had slumped down. The concrete was painfully hot in his skin but it helped him ignore the pain that danced across his bloody chest.

He groaned, laying back against the street. It was scorching, yet he couldn't bring himself to move to a cooler place. He coughed, wheezing slightly as he turned to spit out the blood that had been slowly pooling from his bitten lips.

"Purote?" He looked over at the kid from the blue trimmed house. "I got you this"

Sitting up hurt, but Purote gratefully accepted the offered bandages and ointment. Hesitantly, he pulled off his soaked shirt. Blood and sweat had left it stained and damp. He never cried over such things as this, though. Because boys don't cry, right?

So he didn't. He locked his feelings up in a vault.

He struggled to wrap the bandages and flinched when cold fingers took the roll from his hand. Mr. Kayama was crouched next to him. He hadn't noticed the man arriving.

"You gotta clean this first. I can get alcohol wipes, then we can get you all patched up. Do you want Tylenol or something?"

Purote laughed. "I think it's got plenty of alcohol in it. I'll be fine"

"God I wish I could tape a sign to your face. 'Hi I'm Purote and I'm shit at self care'. How's that sound?"

"Perfect. You can put it in black so it'll hide the bloodstains"

'Ha. Ha. Very funny. Come on, let's get you into the house where it's decently cool. I'm melting out here"

Purote snorted, mumbling about witches as he took the man's hand.

Life was so much better when he was on this block. It was nearly perfect. He loved that. He loved block sixteen.

Word Count:  913

Sorry for the time difference between updates, I got stuck around the 400 word zone for a while. 

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