Important Info

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DISLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson, Harry Potter or Artemis Fowl (as much as we all know I want to)

A.N :

Greetings, Diverse Citizens of Earth, KeeraKraze here! I have no idea what else you're supposed to write in an author's note, so... hey, what's up? Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my story! Before the story starts I should probably establish a few things.

1. I know that Percy Jackson , Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl take place at different times, but for the sake of this fanfic, let's pretend that they take place in the same timeline.

2. This story takes place sometime after the Battle of the Labyrinth , a year or two before the first Artemis Fowl book, and during the Sorceror's Stone(or the Philosopher's Stone).

3. Nico is NOT on any kind of quest. 

4. In this story, Artemis is a pure-blood and Nico is a half-blood (the wizard kind)

5. Nico IS also a demigod in this book. All the events that took place in the books will also take place.

 I try to update at least once a week.

Okay, I think that's all the important stuff. On with the story!

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