Fowl has officially gone bonkers

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Nico stared at the boy in front of him, thinking that he must be having a particularly bad nightmare.

"Excuse me, WHAT?"

"You heard me. I want to help."

Fowl had officially gone bonkers. They had only know each other for two days, but Nico could tell that Fowl despised him as much as he despised Fowl. So why was Fowl suddenly being nice? I had to be some sort of trick.

"I heard you the first time. Why do you want to help me? We hate each other. Besides, you have no idea what I'm looking for."

Fowl shrugged, "You ran out of the hall after I read the article about the break-in at Gringotts, so I'm assuming that you want to find out more about what was stolen."

Nico blushed. Had he really been that obvious?

"As for why I want to help you, we have a more or less common goal. You want to find out what was stolen and I want to find out how it was stolen."

Nico looked at him sceptically.

"Why would you want to know how it was stolen. No offense Fowl, but you don't seem like the sort of person who would want to help the police solve a mystery from the goodness of your heart."

"I have my reasons. Why do you want to know what was stolen?"

"You're not the only one with reasons Fowl"

Fowl glared at him, "So? Do you want my help or not?"

Nico was about to refuse when a little voice inside his head started nagging him.

'So, you're really going to deny the one person who's actually offering to help you without needing to be in a life-threatening situation? What about all those times that you wished someone would help you?'

' That was different.' Nico responded mentally, ' This is Fowl, he's a stuck up know-it-all who happens to be a genius and is probably really good at research. Of course I'm not going to let him help!'

That sounded ridiculous even to Nico. Fowl may be an absolute pain, but he was probably a lot better than Nico at research, seeing as he could actually read the books. Nico was sure that the high security vault that had been broken into was the one that Hagrid had emptied that day at Gringotts. After all, how many high-security vaults could have been emptied in one day?

He took a deep breath, he couldn't believe that he was actually doing this.

"Fine. You can help, but NO poking your nose in my business."

Artemis looked offended, "I'm hurt, why ever would I poke my nose in your business?"

**********3 hours later**********

Nico was starting to think that this was impossible. They knew absolutely nothing about the break in that could possibly help them find out what the thief could have wanted.

Artemis walked up to him carrying a small book . Nico raised an eyebrow, the book looked fairly new and Nico was sure that it wouldn't mention something as ancient and powerful as the thing Hagrid had removed from the vault. Upon inspection, the book turned out to be a small notebook.

"So Nico, tell me, can you describe the package?"

Nico groaned. He had told Artemis about the mysterious vault a million times, but the boy kept coming back with new question.

"The package was small, about the size of a rock maybe? It looked pretty average, but it was radiating power, that made it feel ancient."

Artemis nodded and wrote it down on his notebook.

"Alright then, have you read Ancient Artifacts: Good and Bad, Greek edition? I'm sure that they have it somewhere, I noticed it in Flourish and Bolts."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Yes Artemis, I'm not an idiot. But there are tons of magical objects that could have been in the package. The Emerald of Salazar Slytherin, the Necklace of Nareus Nargle, the Pebble of Ptolemy, the list goes on and on!"

Artemis nodded in that infuriating way that Nico despised. It made him feel as though he was talking to a therapist.

"Maybe you should write down each of these artifacts in my notebook and we can continue our research in more detail from there. Eventually, we can shortlist it to 3 or 4 items."

Nico nodded, Fowl's idea wasn't half bad.

"You've done this before, haven't you Fowl?"

Artemis looked at him innocently, "Done what?"

"You know what I mean."

"I'm afraid I don't"

Nico rolled his eyes for what felt like the millionth time in the last 3 hours.

"Research Fowl. You've done it before."

Artemis was still feigning innocence. "Of course I have. I need to if I want to gather information for school projects."

Nico scowled, "Not like this. We're trying to hunt down one object out of hundreds, not writing a report about global warming. You're acting like it's not a big deal, like you already know exactly what to do."

Artemis glared at him, "So what? Maybe I have done this before, maybe I haven't. At least we're getting somewhere. Isn't that what's important?"

Nico nodded reluctantly and decided to let it go for now. As much as he hated to admit it, Artemis really knew what he was doing. They had a better chance of figuring out what that weird powerful object was with Artemis' researching skills. He couldn't risk never finding out what he had sensed in vault 713 just because his arrogance got in the way.

As they browsed through book after book(it was surprising how many books had Greek and Latin versions), Nico had to admit, working with someone his age wasn't that bad, even if that someone was Fowl.



Hey folks! I'm back! Yesterday was Arty's birthday, so happy belated birthday Artemis! I'm always a day late for this sort of stuff, aren't I?

Anyway, I should probably explain why Artemis is acting so...friendly. The way I see it , Artemis is attracted to weird, unusual things and has a natural urge to learn more about them, and understand what forces are at work around him. He would be able to tell that something is off about Nico, and would subconsciously want to figure him out. As for how he made friends with Draco, Blaise and Theodore, well, he was kind of roped into that one. Now he's just kind of... going with it.

Sorry for the short chapter! This was just kind of a filler chapter to let them get to know each other. The last chapter was a bit...wonky. I honestly wasn't planning on all of that guilt from Artemis. I know that he's probably really heartless at this point, but I think that he would act a bit more childishly and innocently amongst kids his own age at a wizarding school than he would with just Butler for company.

Anyways, today's question is *drumroll*

Should Artemis have a crush on Hermione?

Let me know what you think in the comments! See you on Saturday!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and... actually I think that's all you can do on this website. 

- Keera╰(*°▽°*)╯

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