Nico calls Tartarus Humane Society

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This chapter is dedicated to goddessAnnabeth127 for being the first to comment!

To say that Nico was annoyed would be an understatement.

He had followed Fowl and Malfoy because he wanted to see them try to shoot sparks at each other. And maybe, just maybe, he wanted to see Harry again. Of course, that was only one itsy-bitsy reason. It's not as though that was the only reason he had he had offered to join them. Of course not!

Whatever his reasons had been, he definitely hadn't done it so that he would be locked in a corridor with a small three-headed dog. On the way back, Draco had started babbling about how 'only Potter could find a gigantic 3-headed monster in a school'. Nico frowned, that poor dog wasn't a monster. It might look a bit monstrous, but that was no reason to call it that!

Nico was starting to doubt whether the people who ran this school actually cared about safety, or animal rights for that matter. No one in their right mind would think that such a big dog would be comfortable cooped up in there. He doubted that anyone even bothered playing with it!

Artemis looked ready to break down and cry, and for once, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

"What- why- how- three- dogs- emo- logic- trapdoor- doomed-why?", or something like that.

Once they got back to the dormitories, Artemis finally seemed capable of coherent speech.

"You all saw that, didn't you?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Saw what? The giant evil hellhound ready to kill us?"

"You are in enough trouble already young man! It's your fault we were even out there!"

"I'm older than you Fowl!"

Nico cleared his throat, "First of all, that 'giant evil hellhound' isn't evil or a monster. Also, I think that Fowl was talking about that trapdoor."

Draco looked confused, "Trapdoor? Where?"

Artemis rolled his eyes, "It was under the dog. I noticed it when we left."

Nico nodded, "He's right, for once. I stepped on it."

"For once?"

Nico ignored him, "It's guarding the artifact, isn't it Fowl?"

Artemis looked miffed, "Why don't you ask someone else? After all, I was only right for once."


"Fine! Yes, I'm fairly sure that the artifact is under that trapdoor. Still, don't take my word for it, I'm only right-"

Nico groaned, "Whatever Fowl. No one cares."

Apparently their little argument had woken up Theodore and Blaise.

"Centaurs in wedding dresses! Wait what? What time is it?", asked Blaise.

"Go to bed guys, it's too early for this.", muttered Theodore, who then rolled over and started snoring again.

Artemis scowled but lay down, "We are talking about this in the morning."

Draco looked at him, a bit lost, as though silently asking him what the Hades he was talking about, but was too afraid to say it out loud in fear of risking Artemis' wrath.

A few minutes later, once everyone was asleep, Nico was finally starting to get tired. But there was still something he had to do. He took out a piece of parchment. Where did his dad adopt Cerberus again? Oh right!

' To: Tartarus Humane Society

Subject: Cruel treatment of innocent hellhounds'

************Line Break***********

The next morning at breakfast, Nico , Artemis and Draco kept sending each other looks, none of them breaking the awkward silence at the table. Finally Draco exploded.

"Are you two ever going to tell me what's going on?"

Nico and Artemis shared a look. Artemis sighed in defeat.

"Do you remember that break-in at Gringotts? Me and Nico have been doing a bit of investigating and we think that the artifact that was stolen is hidden here, at Hogwarts. Or more specifically in the third corridor."

Draco gaped, "Oh. Okay."

Just then, Harry and Ron came up to them.

"So... hey guys?", Harry said awkwardly.

"Hello", Nico responded coldly. Why was he acting so cold? Maybe it was because Harry had decided to steer clear of him the minute he got into Gryffindor because of some stupid prejudice? Yeah, that was probably it.

"So," Harry continued, "You guys saw that trapdoor too right?"

All three Slytherins nodded.

"You see, Hermione and Neville don't really care about what's down there. But me and Ron want to find out what that dog is hiding. Will you help us?"

Draco scoffed, "You want us to help you?"

Ron scowled back at him, "No one asked you Malfoy."

Artemis seemed to be thinking. Before he could make a valid point, Nico spoke up.

"Why should we help you? You think that all Slytherins are inherently evil, don't you?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably, "I'm sorry Nico, I just didn't know what to think. It's... complicated."

Artemis held out a hand, "We were planning on investigating anyway, so we might as well let you two help as well . After all gentlemen, there is strength in numbers."

Harry shook his hand, "Deal! But, what's with the whole 'gentlemen' thing? We're eleven."

Nico snickered, "Yeah Fowl, stop trying to act like you're twenty."

Artemis rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say di Angelo. We'll meet up at the library after classes finish. I expect you all to be there."

With that, he strode out of the hall.

Nico sighed, "I guess we're doing this then."

Draco groaned, "Yep."

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm a bit pressed for time right now.

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