Just talk things out already!

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A few weeks later, it seemed as though everyone in the school knew that there had been some sort of argument between Nico, Draco, Artemis and the Golden Trio.

Nico scowled as he buried his nose into 1000 medical herbs and fungi and curled up in an armchair in the Slytherin Common Room, trying to ignore the whispering voices around him.

"What do you think happened?" he heard someone whisper.

"Who knows? One minute those six are spending all of there free time together, the next thing you know, none of them will even look each other in the eye!" said someone who Nico assumed was Pansy Parkinson.

"It's probably for the best." another voice remarked loftily, "Those three will be much better off without three nosy Gryffindors on their backs. Associating with Gryfiindors won't do them any favors. They would definitely have made a lot more friends in their own house by now if it wasn't for the so-called golden trio. Who knows? Maybe they'll actually start socializing with other respectable Slytherins now."

Nico gritted his teeth, why couldn't people just leave him alone? First his father sends him to a magic school he never wanted to attend in the first place, then Fowl started getting suspicious of his abilities, and now the entire school was gossiping about their little argument! It seemed as though no one would let him wallow in peace.

True to his word, Nico had cut off all ties with Harry, Ron and Hermione after the trio had rejected the Slytherins help, and Draco had done the same. None of them even acknowledged each other anymore. Harry had approached him a few days ago and had asked him something about dragons. Nico did, in fact, know quite a bit about dragons, but decided not to mention that, seeing as Harry was so confident in his and his friends' abilities. He had said that he didn't need a Slytherin's help, after all.

What secrets are you hiding di Angelo?

Nico would never admit it, but Ron's remarks had hit a bit too close to home. He cursed himself again and again for being stupid enough to pull out his sword that day when they were fighting the troll. He had hoped that everyone had forgotten about it by now, but apparently they still remembered it. Vividly. And they were just too distracted to investigate at the moment. But when they did find the time... Nico had no doubt that Artemis or Hermione would figure something out. He might have exposed the existence of the Greek Pantheon to a potentially dangerous 11 year old boy. He wasn't too worried about Hermione, even if she did find out, she probably wouldn't abuse the knowledge. But Artemis...

Don't even get him started on that kid! As soon as he thought that he had the boy genius all figured out, Fowl went at tried to steal the very thing they were all trying to protect. There was something wrong with this whole situation. Fowl was a greedy gold-digger, true. But he wasn't someone who only did things half-way. Unless he was desperate. Really desperate. Something told him that there was more to Artemis' motives than just becoming a billionaire. He knew that he should probably talk to Artemis about it, and get to the bottom of this mess. But he didn't. He was tired of it. Tired of having to deal with people's emotions, a skill in which he was sorely lacking. Tired of all the distrust. All it had taken was one argument to throw them all off the deep end. Tired of Artemis , who was responsible for most of his problems. He didn't want to deal with any of this right now. Artemis could solve his problems by himself. He stood up abruptly, barely noticing how half of his fellow first-years' eyes were on him. He ignored the sudden lack of conversation and marched out of the common room. He was done with social interaction for the time being.

*****Line Break*****

"Alright, what in Merlin's name is going on?" Blaise demanded.

Artemis raised an eyebrow coldly, "I haven't the faintest idea what you're going on about." he responded icily. 

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