Artemis pokes his nose in Nico's business

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Yay! We're finally on chapter 10! Thank you to all those wonderful people who read this story, and an even bigger thank you to those who voted.

This chapter is dedicated to evergreenteardrops and Annafu3344 for being the first to awesome people to vote on this story. It really put a smile on my face. (Sorry! It only let me add one name at the top!)

Anyway, on with the story!

Artemis couldn't help it.

He had promised Nico that he wouldn't poke his nose in his business. And yet, here he was, observing Nico from a distance as he read through Ancient Artifacts: Good and Bad. He felt terrible for betraying Nico's trust, but he just wanted to know what was so strange about Nico. Was that so wrong?

He knew perfectly well that it was none of his business. Then again, neither were fairies. Anyone could tell that Nico was no ordinary wizard. Artemis also knew that Nico wasn't just going to tell him what he was. So he had been left with no other choice but to discretely observe him from afar.

However, that was not the original reason he had volunteered to help di Angelo. He wanted to figure out how to break in to Gringotts. As shady as Nico seemed, he didn't seem like a criminal and probably wouldn't approve of his motives. Which meant that Artemis couldn't tell Nico why he wanted to help him.

Artemis wished that Hogwarts had wifi. He had learnt that electronics didn't work at Hogwarts, which frankly, was appalling. He vowed to find a way to sneak his laptop into Hogwarts, after figuring out how to make it immune to magic, of course.

Because of this unexpected obstacle, Artemis had been forced to temporarily suspend his fairy related investigations. He had been planning to get his hands on a leprechaun by December of this year, but it seemed as though his expedition would have to be set back a year.

He glanced at his wrist instinctively before remembering that he didn't have a watch. He scowled, that was another thing about this school, they barely had any clocks! How were they supposed to know what time it was if they only had about 5 clocks in the entire school?

He gathered up his things and placed them neatly in his bag. He looked at Nico, who still had his nose stuck in the 700 page book he had given him. He sighed and made his way over to him.

He tapped his shoulder, "Nico, we've got to go. It's getting late."

Nico jumped in surprise and grabbed his wrist, squeezing it tight.

Artemis glared at him, "What was that for?"

Nico released his grip on him, "What do you want Fowl? You shouldn't have surprised me."

Artemis scoffed, "It's time to leave. Of course, next time I'll just leave you here until you get kicked out."

Nico scowled, "Whatever. Did you find anything, or was this a complete waste of time?"

" Research takes time, my fellow classmate. So far we know that it's an ancient, powerful artifact that could fit in someone's pocket. So we don't need to read Almighty Artifacts of the 20th Century. We also know that it can't be anything big like a sword. That's quite a lot of progress for one day."

Nico just grunted in reply. Together they trudged to the Slytherin Common-room. Nico sank into an armchair and took out his potions book.

"Stupid Homework."

Artemis whole-heartedly agreed. It was only their second day of classes, but they had already been given heaps of homework. He slammed his book shut, there would be plenty of time for homework later. Right now, he had a mystery to solve.

*********Line Break********

Artemis sat on his bed and took out a notebook. It was time to do a bit of detective work of his own. He wrote down all the strange things he had learnt about Nico. The death aura, the ability to sense auras, his relationship with ghosts, his dyslexia( all though, that wasn't necessarily strange), his strange teleportation, everything.

Of course, there was always the possibility that Nico was just an extraordinarily powerful wizard. Artemis dismissed this soon enough, even the Dark Lord, who was described in books as the most powerful dark wizard to ever have existed, couldn't have been able to teleport at 11. He found out that wizards could 'Apparate' from one place to another, but it was unheard of for an 11 year old, especially one without any prior schooling, to be able to apparate.

He heard footsteps approaching and quickly stuffed the book in his bag. Theodore, Draco and Blaise entered the room and sat down on his bed.

Theodore smiled at him, "Hey Artemis, where have you been? We haven't seen you since Potions."

Artemis' lip curved upwards slightly, he was new to the whole 'socializing' thing, but it felt nice to know that people wanted to talk to him just for the sake of it, and not because they wanted to trick him into signing a business deal.

"I was in the library with di Angelo. We were doing a bit of research."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "di Angelo? That creepy kid who snaps at everyone who tries to talk to him? I thought that you hated each other."

Blaise nodded, "Yeah, that kid is weird. He doesn't seem like a bad sort though. What do you think Arty?"

Artemis scowled, "First of all, don't call me Arty. Second of all, he's.... alright ,I guess. A bit hostile and sarcastic, but he's actually not as bad as he seems."

Theodore smiled even wider, "Why don't we invite him to hang out with us later? Do you think that he'd say yes? If he does agree, we could call ourselves the Fabulous Five! Or the Five Fantastic Friends!"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "That sounds terrible Theo. We don't need to call ourselves anything. We don't even know if di Angelo will want company. He seems like the loner sort. Besides, there probably isn't even a word for a group of five people!"

"Actually, there are several words to denote a group of five, including words like quintet and fivesome.", Artemis answered absent-mindedly.

Theodore grinned even wider, if that was even possible. "See Blaise, we can think of a fancy name for our group!"

Draco snorted, "How about the Feisty Fivesome? Or even better, the Queer Quintet?"

All four of them burst out laughing, even Artemis, who found the name oddly appropriate.

Theodore adopted the air of a judge about to pass a motion, "All those in favour of calling ourselves the Queer Quintet if Nico di Angelo joins our ranks?"

They all raised their hands solemnly. Artemis found himself wondering when he started goofing around so much.

Theodore nodded gravely, "Very well. They motion is passed."

All four of them exchanged a glance, and promptly started giggling again, although they would deny that any giggling had been involved.

Just then Nico entered the room. Artemis noticed the pained look that flashed across Nico's face as he watched them laugh. He hesitated, should he go and talk to him? Nico turned away . Artemis stared at him, wondering what he should do.

Eventually, he turned back to his friends and left Nico to his misery, already starting to regret his choice.


Sorry if the characters seemed OOC. Next chapter will be the Flying Lessson(Yipee!). I don't really have anything else to say except thank you for reading!

Don't forget to Vote and Comment!

-Keera ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

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