Diagon Alley, oh goody! (Part 2)

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Artemis had to admit, Butler's brochure had turned out quite helpful. It had contained detailed instructions on how to enter Diagon Alley. He mulled over the information Butler had given him earlier. Butler had beseeched him not to go robbing the wizard bank, due to the fact that he knew next to nothing about this world, apart from what he had been told. Artemis had assured Butler that he wouldn't dream of robbing a wizarding bank , at least, not yet...

Diagon Alley was not quite what he expected. It was a busy street with strangely dressed people bustling from one shop to another. He was surprised, to say the least. He had been expecting something reminiscent of a shopping mall, not a village market. He trailed after Butler as he made his way to a majestic white building.

"Gringotts", whispered Butler. "Artemis, please don't try anything. See that warning?"

Artemis looked at the pair of silver doors in front of them.

"Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there."

Artemis wasn't impressed. "Perhaps, but no bank is impenetrable."

********** I'm a line************

Artemis was getting sick of being surprised. He usually made sure that he was at least one step ahead of everyone else. But the Internet hadn't been able to provide much accurate information about wizards. Unlike fairies, who left faint trails that he could follow, the wizards had nothing that could be traced back to them. And he was starting to see why.

Wizards used absolutely no technology! If the shops he had passed on their way to Gringotts were anything to go by, wizards were archaic enough to use quills! If he wanted to learn more about this world, he would have to do it the old fashioned way, with books. He turned his attention back to Butler. He was handing over a key to a small wrinkled creature .

"Well Butler, care to shed some light on the situation?"

Butler nodded and took a brochure out of his pocket. He cleared his throat and began to read.

"Gringotts is run by goblins, highly intelligent humanoid creatures who are well-known for their craftsmanship. Gringotts bank was founded by a respectable goblin named Gringott. The bank is used by wizards to store valuables in vaults deep underground."

Artemis nodded. He followed the goblin into a small cart.

The goblin gave him a mischievous grin.

"Full speed ahead!"

*************Line break**************

"Butler, remind me to find a way to enable online banking in Gringotts."

Artemis groaned. Gathering information about Gringotts' security would be a lot harder if they were zooming by too fast for him to observe their surroundings.

"Vault 444"

Artemis examined his vault with interest. As he had expected, the vault was full of gold. He had expected nothing less, after all, his family's motto was Aurum est Potestas for a reason. He accepted the pouch Butler gave him and filled it with coins. He made a mental note to learn what each of the coins were called.

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