Deck the halls with invisibility cloaks

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Harry wasn't having a very merry December so far.

They had been searching for Nicolas Flamel for weeks, and they still had no idea who he was. Malfoy had pretty much given up, and the rest of them weren't doing much better. The only one who didn't seem disheartened by their lack of progress was Artemis.

"Research does not yield results in a day!" he would urge, "We have to keep trying, he'll show up eventually!"

Nico would reply to this by saying, "It's been weeks, not a day Fowl. This is getting us nowhere!"

But no matter how terribly boring it was, they kept searching. Harry and Nico read through books like their lives depended on it, Artemis looked fiercely determined and unwilling to accept defeat, Hermione looked happy to just be in the library, and Draco, well, he was probably just there because he didn't want to get jinxed by Artemis for chickening out.

School work wasn't getting any better either, Snape never passed up a chance to embarrass him, Draco teased him mercilessly, and Madam Pince wouldn't even let them research in peace.

If only there was a way to snoop around in the library without anyone seeing or bothering them.

Soon enough, it was time to go home for the holidays, at least, for most people. Harry definitely wasn't going back to Privet Drive any time soon. Apparently Nico had nowhere to go as well, or something like that anyway. When Harry asked him why he was staying, all he said was, "It's better than being a dandelion and eating cereal" which didn't really make much sense to him.

Artemis looked ready to leave at a moments notice.

"Finally! I haven't touched or even seen my phone in months! I have so much research to catch up on! I wonder how mother is doing, she's probably driving Juliet mad..."

Harry, Ron and Nico, who were all staying for the holidays, went to see their friends off. Although, Nico hadn't exactly come willingly, seeing as Harry had broken into the Slytherin dormitories and dragged him out of bed to get him to join them.

"You will keep looking while we're gone, won't you?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, no slacking off just because there's no one to keep an eye on you." Said Artemis sternly.

Nico rolled his eyes at that, "Jeez Fowl, you make it sound like we're children."

"You are children."

"Not the point!"

Harry decided to interrupt before those two started another hour-long argument.

"Anyway, we'll try to learn as much about Flamel as we can. You two enjoy your vacation! But try to do a bit of research as well, only if you can, of course."

They exchanged goodbyes and soon half of Hogwarts' population was on the train back to Kings Cross Station.

********Line Break********

By the time the holidays started, no one even thought of Flamel. Harry reveled in Malfoy's absence and spent his days having fun with other Gryffindors, dragging Nico with him as well.

Most Gryffindors were wary of Nico, but they learnt not to protest when they saw him in the common room. Nico didn't seem to mind all the whispers and stares much, but Harry certainly did.

On Christmas Eve, Harry, Ron and Nico were hanging out in the library. By hanging out, he meant trying to concentrate on finding Flamel, but having too much fun laughing at Ron's stories about his family to really get anything done.

An Unlikely duo (AF/PJO/HP Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now