Artemis is even weirder than he previously believed

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Artemis Fowl had seen his fair share of weird things. In fact, he tried to discover strange things on a regular basis. He was a 10 year old criminal mastermind who had been put in charge of a deteriorating criminal empire. He was currently researching the existence of fairies in order to hold one for ransom. It doesn't get much weirder than that. Well, that's what he thought until an owl tried to break into his bedroom.

There was nothing particularly special about that day. Artemis was sitting at his desk, searching the internet for anything that could possibly help him learn more about fairies, as he had been doing for the past few months. He looked up in irritation, ready to give whoever had the nerve to interrupt his research a piece of his mind. He was not expecting to see a barn owl staring at him. It seemed to be saying," Well? Are you done gawking yet? Open up already!"

He shook his head. Talking animals? What was he thinking? He was supposed to be a mature 10 year old! Not a dreamy 6 year old who pretends to talk to animals! He steeled his nerves. In a situation like this, there was only one thing to do.


                                        ____________Line break____________

Butler sighed as he made his way up the stairs. He had no idea what Artemis could possibly want at this time of day. His young charge usually preferred to be left alone during day time and could be very temperamental if he was disturbed. Maybe he wanted a snack? Or perhaps he needed a boost to reach a particularly high-up book. Butler could never be sure with Artemis. As it happens, that was not the case.

Artemis was staring intently at an owl that was apparently trying to break into Fowl Manor. Butler's eyes widened. He had known this would happen eventually, but why did it have to be so soon? Butler had no idea how to tell a cynical child prodigy that there was a whole other race out there, one that he was a part of. Then again, this is the same child who's plotting to steal from fairies.

"Hello Butler. There appears to be an owl carrying a letter tapping on the window. How curious."

Butler agreed, "Yes, how curious in deed."

Artemis turned to face him. "Well Butler? Aren't you going to let it in?"

Butler sighed and let the poor bird in. Artemis gently removed the letter from its foot and frowned. No doubt receiving a letter from a school of witchcraft and wizardry was a bit of a shock, even for Artemis, who always seemed to be a step ahead.

"I would ask if this is a joke, but considering the effort involved in making sure the letter reaches its intended recipient, I find that highly unlikely."

Butler took a deep breath, it was now or never. "Artemis, it's not a joke. Wizards exist. Your parents are wizards too. I know, this is a lot to take in and that you probably think I'm crazy, but it's the truth. I understand if you want some time to process this."

Artemis just blinked at him for a minute. "Oh no", Butler thought," I've broken him. I'm doomed! Is it possible to break a 10 year old?"

Artemis shook his head slightly as if he was trying to get his thoughts back in line. Then he did something Butler hadn't expected. He shrugged.

"Very well. This is a rather interesting revelation, don't you think?"

Butler gaped at him ,"I introduce you to a whole new race that apparently your parents were a part of, and you just say that it's interesting? No screaming that I'm crazy, or fainting? The brochure said that that might happen! How are you so calm?"

Butler sighed. He thought, quite randomly, that he seemed to sigh quite a lot when he was dealing with Artemis. He had to admit, he was more exasperated than surprised. Not for the first time, he wished that Artemis could be a bit more predictable. The brochure had mentioned several possible reactions. He had been ready to handle yelling, uncontrollable sobbing, or even tears of joy. But nothing in the 'So your kid found out that he's a wizard?' brochure had mentioned what to do if the adult was panicking while the child was calmly observing the chaos.

Artemis tilted his head, studying him as though HE was the one acting strange. "My dear Butler, why on earth would I panic so much? I am quite literally trying to steal gold from leprechauns. Although, I simply must ask, how come I've never seen my parents use magic before?"

Butler relaxed. This was a question he could answer.

"They stopped using magic at home when you were about six."

"Ah, let me guess. They wanted to give me a chance for a normal life?"

Butler chuckled. "Nothing quite so cliché. As I recall, after the time you hacked into your school website, she decided to stop using magic, as 'the wizarding world deserves a break. It has enough problems already, without having to worry about a 6 year old criminal mastermind breaking into Gringotts'. Her words, not mine", he added, noticing Artemis' accusing glare.

"A valid fear, I suppose. Well Butler, if I am to make the most of this situation, I will need more information. Tell me about this wizarding world."

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