The train finally shows up

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Nico could think of a million things he would rather do than wander aimlessly through King's Cross station. He was hopelessly lost. The stupid ticket had told him to head to Platform 9 ¾ , which apparently didn't exist. He caught sight of Harry getting told off by a guard a few meters away. Deciding that they might as well be hopelessly lost together, Nico headed towards him.

"Hey Harry, how's it going?"

Harry jumped, "Nico! You scared me half to death!"

He smirked, "Don't you think that's why I did it?"

Harry shook his head in exasperation, apparently coming to the conclusion that he was going to have to get used to it. 'Clever Boy', he thought.

"Well?", asked Harry, "Do you have any idea how to get to Platform 9 ¾ ?"

Nico opened his mouth to respond, when a group of red-heads walked past them, talking about Platform 9 ¾ .

"I don't, but they do."

Harry followed his gaze, and walked up to the (rather large) family.

"Excuse me, could you tell me how to - "

"How to get on the platform?", the woman interrupted. "Not to worry", she said. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron." She gestured to the youngest redhead.

Harry looked at him dubiously. Nico shrugged, he'd done weirder stuff. Harry apparently decided that it was worth a shot and charged at the wall. Oddly enough, he actually did pass through to the other side. Nico realized that he had better follow if he didn't want to miss the train. He steeled his nerves and ran straight at the brick wall.

As it turns out, Nico did bump into something, but it was far softer than a brick wall. And he would know, he had spent a lot of time running into brick walls back when he was learning how to shadow-travel.

"Really Harry? You were supposed to move away from the wall! Who knows how many other poor unsuspecting half-bloods could have bumped into you?"

Nico's eyes widened, realizing his mistake. He didn't want anyone to know about his parentage yet. He didn't know much about wizards, but judging from the books he had read, they seemed like a pretty racist bunch. He didn't want to know what they would think of demigods. Harry just grinned wider, which he hadn't thought was possible.

"Sorry, but look at this place! Come on Nico, how could you not be excited? Wait, you're a half-blood? So am I! Well, at least, that's what Hagrid said.

Nico released a breath he didn't know that he had been holding. He had forgotten that wizards had their own type of half-bloods.

" Harry, as cool as this train is to look at, we should probably get inside before it fills up."

Thankfully, Nico and Harry managed to find an empty compartment. They were soon joined by the red-headed boy they had seen at the station, who introduced himself as Ron Weasley. They spent the rest of the trip taste trying the most wonderful sweets that the wizarding world had to offer. The train ride was mostly uneventful, apart from a visit from a certain bushy-haired bossy boots who called herself Hermione Granger. The discussion turned to the different houses that you could be sorted into. According to Ron, there were 4 houses for different types of people. All three of them seemed to prefer Gryffindor, the house of the brave. Ron scowled when he mentioned the least favorable of all houses, Slytherin.

" Slytherin's the place were all dark wizards come from. There's not one dark wizard who didn't come from Slytherin"

Slytherin seemed to be the outcast house, the one hated by the rest. Nico could guess, that given his luck, that was where he would end up. He sighed, it seemed that he would be just as much of an outcast here as he was at camp.

**************************Line Break*************************

Artemis was having one of his best birthdays yet. He was on his way to a school for wizards, how could he not be? Of course, he was careful not to let his good mood show, it simply wouldn't do for people to think that he was capable of such juvenile excitement. Butler's brochure had come through for them once again by telling them how to get to the Platform. Artemis was seriously starting to wonder where he had got it from. He looked up from his book to see three boys enter the compartment.

One of the boys, who seemed to be the leader of the gang, had whitish-blond hair and a face that looked oddly ferret-like. He was followed by a dark-skinned boy with neatly trimmed black hair and a thin, wiry looking boy with brown hair. Ferret Face smirked at him.

"Who might you be?", he asked.

"Artemis Fowl."

The black-haired boy raised his eyebrows, "A Fowl? I haven't met a Fowl in a while."

The other boy asked, "Are you sure you're a Fowl?"

Artemis rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'm quite sure that I know what my last name is."

The boy blushed, "Sorry, it just that no one has heard anything from the Fowls in years."

Ferret Face extended a hand, "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. The boy with black hair over there is Blaise Zabini, and the other one is Theodore Nott."

Theodore pouted, "How come I have to be the 'other one' ?"

Blaise smirked, "Because I'm cooler , obviously."

Artemis interrupted before the argument could escalate, "As amusing as it is to watch you two bicker, I believe you came here for a reason?"

Draco nodded, "Right, all the other compartments are full. Do you mind if we sit here?"

Artemis shrugged, he didn't see why not. He was going to require some allies while he was at school, and these lot didn't seem too bad.

The boys sat down. "So", Theodore asked, "How come we've never heard of you? No offense, but Pure-Blood families are usually quite tight-knit. After all, that's how we know each other.

Draco nodded, "Yes, why have the Fowl's been hiding from the rest of civilization?"

Artemis debated whether or not he should tell the truth. " My parents, more specifically my mother, wanted to protect the wizarding world from my shenanigans. She ,quite rightly may I add, believed that the wizarding world had enough problems already, without having to worry about what I get up to in my free time."

The boys shared a glance and grinned.

Blaise smiled at him, "Well then Artemis, I have a feeling that you'll fit right in."


Greetings, diverse citizens of earth(I really need to come up with something better to say)! Things are starting to get good! Artemis is trying to force himself to act like an adult, and Nico is just being , well, Nico. Sorry if the characters seem a bit OOC, I'm trying to make them seem as 'in character' as possible(but I'm not sure if it's working).  I know that Harry and Draco actually meet on the train, but since I made him meet Artemis instead, I need to figure out a different way to make it work. I'm not sure if I should just do it like it's done in the movie, or if I should figure something else out. I'll have to see how it goes. Don't forget to comment (or something along the lines of that)! Keera out!

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