Hermione is Great at Guessing Games

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Artemis wasn't usually the sort of person who jumps into dangerous situations with no concrete plan.

But this time, he was making an exception.

Artemis was no idiot. He knew perfectly well that someone out there was planning on stealing the stone. Which was why he was going to steal it first.

He felt a pang of regret as he lay down in bed that night, going over the details of his plan. He didn't want to lose the few friends he had actually made by betraying their trust, but he really didn't have any other options. Besides, what his friends didn't know wouldn't hurt them. 

For the next two weeks, Artemis spent most of his time in the library, reading about three-headed dogs and any other obstacles that he may have to face in order to get the Stone. In any other circumstance, he would have whipped out his beloved laptop and spent hours browsing the internet for clues that could tell him what he was up against. But unfortunately for him, he was at a wizarding school, where electronics didn't work, and he couldn't even devote more than a few hours a day to his research, due to the fact that he had to do his homework.

See, this was why Artemis preferred to spend his time at home rather that at school. School could be very time-consuming, even for a genius.

After two weeks of plotting and planning, Artemis' grand plan was to sneak past the dog with a red rubber ball, steal the real Stone and leave behind a decoy, send the Stone to Butler via Athena, and hope for the best. All things considered, it wasn't really his best plan.

An opportunity finally presented itself on the day of the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Apparently, if Gryffindor won this match, they would be in the lead for the Quidditch Cup. This obviously meant that the Slytherins were cheering on the Hufflepuffs, something which seemed to unsettle the badgers rather than put them at ease. The rest of the school had apparently decided to spite the Slytherins by supporting Gryffindor. Honestly! One generation of Slytherins joins hands with Voldemort and suddenly the entire school thinks that the whole house is evil.

But perhaps stereotypes could work in his favor, for once. With everyone so fixated on the match, sneaking out to the third corridor wouldn't be a very difficult job. Stealth wasn't really one of his strengths, but he could make do.

'Now,' he thought as he drifted of to sleep, 'It's time to put this poorly thought out plan in action.'

******Line Break******

"Come on Artemis! We're going to miss the beginning of the match." grumbled Blaise as he tried in vain to get Artemis to hurry up.

Artemis rolled his eyes. He wasn't very close to Blaise and Theodore, but they were very good company at times. Or more specifically at times when he was trying not to seem suspicious to Nico and Draco. 

Artemis, Blaise and Theodore sat down next to Nico, who had been dragged out to the bleachers about 15 minutes ago by a very enthusiastic Draco. No doubt that Artemis would have befallen the same terrible fate as well, if he hadn't threatened to curse Draco so badly that he wouldn't be able to walk properly for weeks. Nico had also seemed like he wanted to add his own threat, but had seemingly remembered something and had shut his mouth and allowed himself to be dragged away. If he wasn't so worried about whether his plan would work out or not, he would probably have thought that was strange and added it to the ever-growing list of things that were off about Nico. But fortunately for the fate of both Nico and the mythological world, he was too wrapped up in his own problems to care.

Nico was reading the Daily Prophet, with a cup of cold tea resting next to him. He looked up as the trio sat down. 

"Hey." he said casually.

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