frank william abagnale jr.

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a/n: i finally watched catch me if you can, so like...yeah. i haven't seen any stories about frank yet, so i thought i'd write one :) -btw lmk if i get anything wrong about airports/flights etc. ...i've never been on holiday. (this will be a short one too.)

y/n's pov:

i sat in the airport, waiting for my next flight. i tapped a beat to a song on my suitcase since i had nothing else to do, that was until i saw a pilot walking into the airport. his white cap covered his slicked back hair, and his uniform was pristine- he wore dark shades, but he took them off as he was talking to the woman behind the counter. they were saying something about him being their deadhead, i didn't mean to listen to their conversation really, they were just loud.

the sound of the intercom struck my attention. my plane was here, so i grabbed my suitcase and put it through the security inspection machine (i have no idea what that's called i'm so sorry 💀). once i got the okay from the inspectors, i walked to my plane and boarded. i found my seat and placed my boarding luggage on the shelf above me, luckily i had the window seat and no one had stolen it. a few moments later, the whole plane was full of passengers and the stewardesses started taking about the safety precautions, doing the stupid hand actions and fake happy faces (they were really bad at it, may i add).

once the flight took off i saw the same man from earlier, he was walking towards the cockpit- he looked strangely nervous. i thought he'd know about the food coming around since i hadn't got mine yet, so i started a conversation with him.

"excuse me?" i asked, watching him turn around. it was as if he was unsure if i was talking to him or not.

"yes?" he asked, his slightly raspy voice made the hairs stand up on my arms.

"do you know when they'll get the food round here? i haven't had anything to eat since yesterday and i'm getting quite hungry."

"no, i'm not sure. i'll ask for you if you want, miss?" he was quite polite, so i nodded in appreciation. he walked off towards one of the stewardesses and asked the question (or so i believed) and he walked back as soon as he got the answer, "the stewardess is bringing it round now." he smiled.

"thank you." i smiled back, watching his blue eyes flicker from my eyes, to my lips, then back to my eyes again.

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