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Oliver stood outside the mental hospital, his straitjacket tied around his waist. It was 5:30. The winter hours made it dark outside, and the half-moon was climbing. Soon he began to see headlights in the distance, quickly coming close.
The black suv pulled up to him. Allen sat in front, with Mathieu in shotgun and Francois in back.

"Ooh ooh Allen, can you say that line from that show I like? But in the fun way" Oliver said as he rolled down the window. Al sighed.

"Get in looser, we're going murdering." he said in a bored voice. 'Better to have a happy Oliver than a mad one', he supposed. Oliver climbed in to the backseat. Francois was smoking, like usual.

"Francy pants! What have you been up to? I've missed you!" He asked the drowsy man.

"Voulez-vous s'il vous plaît arrêter ta putain de bouche?" he answered, agitated.

"Fine. I guess no one wants to talk. Big old grumpy butts..." Oliver pouted. Everyone was just tired, it wasn't the time for a happy reunion. But they couldn't help wonder, what was going to happen next?

The city they had previously knew there was some sort of Hannibal that had been convicted, along with his famed accomplices. They'd need to move to a smaller town, a suburb maybe, get ingredients from a bigger city... yes, that's what they'd do. Get a bit of space, open up a little shop with goods and postcards of some such maybe.


France said this phrase:
"will you please just shut your f*cking mouth"

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now