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So this is going to be a flashback chapter, to see sweet ole Ollie boy before the 21st century, and what events led up to the events of this "fan fiction". Because of course everyone knows that all writen down it true. Of course.

"Mummy? Have you seen my bunny?" A little boy, no older than 7, called from the garden of a country cottage.
"No." She called from the kitchen.
"Can you help me look for him? He's dark brown, like molasses."
"No. Oliver, I've told you, I'm making the cakes for the king." His mother would always make little treats and things for those of the royal family for money.
The boy walked into the house. His strawberry-blond hair had leaves stuck in it, and his freckled face had smudges of dirt on it. He walked over to his mother, who was putting sugar on the cakes.
"Can I help please?" he asked. She responded with a quick, harsh "No."
"Oliver, I don't understand why you continue to look for your rabbit. It's imaginary, you know that! A flying rabbit... I should get you help."
"No! He's real! He's not a rabbit, he's a bunny! I found him just now, because he's flying around you head!" Oliver yelled at her.
"I cannot believe you today! Go... Go out to the garden. Stay out there with your rabbit!" With that Oliver ran outside, crying.


Oliver had been sitting by a tree, when suddenly, a toddler with vibrant brown-red hair ran past, chasing after Olivers flying bunny.
"Hello... What's your name? Mines Oliver. My mum and I are visiting this place, she seems really interested in it."
"My... My names Allen. I have a brother, but he's busy punching the animal hurters. We... We don't have a family..."
"Oh... I used to have brothers, but they... We don't know what happened to them. You could probably come with us! I've always wanted a brother..."
"No! I like it here! My brother and I are happy alone! I know what happened to the other one who lived here! Some weirdo swept him away! I don't want that to happen to us! Good bye!" He ran off into the woods, calling out "Mattie! Mattie, where are you?"


Oliver was sitting in his house in London, his mother knitting, when suddenly a knock at the door occurred. He went to open it.
"A-allen! I haven't seen you in ages! How did you ever find me? You lived in the Americas!" Oliver exclaimed. Allen, his hair still vibrant, but his eyes were starting to loose the red fire he had had when they first met. He was old. Wrinkles were forming around his eyes, he must have been at least 60.
"I heard... That you had a Philosophers Stone. They help you live forever, yes?" He said.
"Y-yes... That true... But-" he whispered to him- "it's mother who takes care of all that... I think I'll be able to snag you some elixir, but you might need to stay in England a while, as you don't know how to make it. Is that alright?"
"Yes, thank you! You see, Matt has a cold, and we're old, so two birds with one stone! Thanks... Old man."


"Allen... I haven't seen you forever! What brings you here? More elixir? I thought you knew how to make it now, but I suppose-" Allen had stopped by his door again.
"No. You heard about America, right? It's.. It's free now. No longer a colony." He told him.
"Hm, yes." Oliver's happiness started to fade a little.
"Well... I'm leaving. Tomorrow morning. I want to live in the big country."
"No... Allen, you're like a brother to me! Don't leave me alone!"
"You won't be alone, you still have your mother."
"She's hardly a mother! She's terrible..."
"Well I'm sorry, but I don't need you to take care of me anymore. Goodbye." And he left Oliver there, mad and sad. By morning, Allen would be on a ship bound for New York.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now