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You immediately ran out the shop and immediately dialed emergency services.

"911, what's your emergency?"

You had half thought no one would pick up.

"Ma'am, what's your emergency?"

"My friend, my friend's going to die, oh my god he's going to die-"

"I need you to calm down, where are you, what's your name?"


No. No no no. No way. You stared at your phone's dark screen. No way your phone just died. You grimaced and shoved it in your pocket. You had to get home.

The December air stung as you raced home. You reached the door to find a note. "Ran out for groceries, be back under 45 min" You pulled up the doormat to look for the spare key. It wasn't there. You paced about the front porch for a moment.

Best case scenario- your mom had forgotten ht hit you. The scent. God, it was so strong, so sweet, you almost threw up. On the counter sat a plate of three pristine, perfect cupcakes. And a note. In looping cursive it read- "Made a special treat just for you! :D It was nice of  you to stop by, I'd like to see you again~ Also, a bit of bad news :(  if you're even able to alert the authorities, they won't catch me :3 we won't allow it.

Fuck. That's right fuck. You were fucked, Arthur was fucked. Allen was probably fucking, who cares. He knew you spied on him. Not only had he known, he had put on a show. You thought back to the day you had first met him, the day that they had died. The news anchor had saiHOA WHOA FUCKING H-"

He swerved out of the way just in time- another car had passed in front of you, you would have hit it in a T. You two lurched forward, Alfred hit the steering wheel and passed out. The driver of the other car came out, walking quickly over. They must need to apologize, you thought.

The man had longer, wavy blond hair pulled into a ponytail, and a faint scar on his left cheek. He wore a red sweatshirt and a scowl.

"Out of the truck." He demanded.


"I said," he grimaced, "out of the truck."

You climbed out of the truck.

"Look, if you think it's our fault, you're pretty damn wrong buddy-" he grabbed your arm. "What-"

"I don't want to hurt you, but if I have to, I might."

"W-who are you?"

"Matt. Get in the car." He opened the door to the back seat and pushed you in.

"Heu there sweetheart, haven't seen you in a while." Said a man in the passengers seat. He turned to look at you. You could feel your last ounce of hope leave your soul as he pointed a gun at your face. "So you won't jump out the car." He said.

"Allen? Have you been following me?"

"Mm, what do you think?" He grinned.

"What about him?" You pointed to Matt.

"Ah, he's just a henchman-" Matt glared and punched his arm. Allen shot him a look.

"And what does that make you?" Matt said.

"Keep your eyes on the road, golden boy."

You cleared your throat to speak again. "S-so what-"

"No more questions, sorry." Allen interrupted. "Matt might have said he didn't want any trouble, but you're gonna give us some later, so best take care of that now." And he raised the hand gun, and all you could see was black.

You woke up, thankfully, to voices arguing. Light blinded you.

"Why did you hit her?! She's got a head wound now! You could have used the chloroform!"

"You just said knock her out! You didn't specify any technique... Ow! What was that for..."

"Just- agh... Allen, you are a difficult man."

"I said call me Al! You aren't like, my mom, no matter how weird you are. Allen is too formal...Wait, I think she's waking up.."

"Ok, quick, I want it to be a surprise, hurry-"

"I got it, yeah yeah..."

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now