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"So, he's been here before?" Said a young man in a lab coat.

"Yeah, I forgot you're new here. Oliver Kirkland's his name. Psychotic killer he is. We shouldn't have ever let him out..." Responded a mustached older man in a suit.

"Um, what did he do exactly?"

"Well, a number of things. First he and his girlfriend sort of killed a man or two because they insulted them, which resulted in her getting killed in a gun fight. He then sort of went on a rampage, which got him locked up in here. Then these two guys, one with blond hair and one with brown, came in and took him out. But now, he's killed many people since then, and we believe he's the serial murderer that was running around. Over 17 victims in the last 6 months, his most recent we're a young woman that he supposedly stalked and her two friends."

"God, that sounds insane. I guess that's why he's here then..."

"Yep. But that's not all. He also mutilated the corpses, and put them in the baked goods that he sold to the public. He'd eat the victims raw even, sometimes. He makes me sick to my stomach. Just look at him, sitting there, staring at the wall, smiling like the cat from that Disney movie. I hate that movie..."

"So, uh, what do we do with him? Just leave him there alone?"

"To be honest, I really don't know. But my shifts over now, so you're on your own, son." The older man walked out the hallway, and left the newbie to himself.

Oliver's pov

I can hear them, the doctors... They don't know it though. Only just outside my cell, and the padded walls aren't exactly soundproof. I didn't stalk (y/n), it doesn't count as stalking if you're in the same room and she doesn't notice me, does it? Nah, of course not... She never did notice me... But I loved her.

I hadn't loved anyone really since Olivia... oh but Olivia was lovely! Exactly like me, our love of sweets and tasting the blood of our fallen enemies. You understand, I only killed Artie and Alfie so that (y/n) and I could be together... and maybe because I was low on supplies, but whatever! That didn't work that well. But it was an accident, killing (y/n). I have much regret...

These doctors look at me as if I were an animal in a zoo. I hate it here, who wouldn't? I hear screams of pain, inmates yelling to be let out. It's he11. I dream of them, the ones who died by my hand. Sometimes even I hear them in waking hours. But at least I have Flying Chocolate Bunny to chase them away.

I'd much rather be in a prison, rather than an institute like this. I bet the boys are already planning an escape, while I sit here bored, in a strait jacket. Maybe I can plan an escape, the new guy does seem easy to trick... Yes. That's what I'll do...

3rd Person pov, 4 Weeks later

"Um... Mr. Kirkland? i-its time for your m-medicine..." Said the new doctor, named Daniel. He was a still a little frightened of Oliver, because of what Mr. Wernicke said those weeks ago, even if he was in a strait jacket. Sure, the other patients were scary too, but there was something about Oliver's constant smile and attitude, that set him appart from them.

"Oh, Daniel. That is your name right? Yes it is, I can see it in your eyes. A nice name, yes. Nice to see you again. How's the job?" said Oliver.

"Uh... I-its good. P-pays well, yeah. Anyway, you've got to... Yeah." He said, tray trembling in his hands.

"Oh, you've put the pills in the food then? Oh, that's nice. Makes em easier to go down." Oliver said. Daniel began to feed him some pasta, Mr. Roma insisted it was best for the inmates.

"oh... This came for you, from a "Ulfric Samuel Afford. It's a... A cupcake."
Nice job Allen... USA. Great alias. Oliver thought.

"Tell me, Daniel. What did they tell you about me? Did thry say I was a "psychotic murdering freak"? Or perhaps "insane"? Well, I'll tell you. I, am perfectly sane. They just didn't know what to do with me. Not put me in prison, I might kill someone with by bitting, or something. So they sent me here, where I wouldn't escape. How's that make you feel, Daniel?" Oliver asked, his eyes flashed pink.

"I-i... it doesn't make me feel very well at all, sir."

"Good."And he suddenly moved, like a cobra lashing out. He bit Daniel's finger, clean off. Daniel screamed, and fell backwards, while Oliver swallowed, loving the taste of the salty, metallic blood. He stood up, and stepped on Daniels face, breaking his nose before walking out and closing the door. He used a coat hook to wiggle out of his strait jacket, and picked up the cupcake. He unwrapped it, and saw a note written on the inside.

"We've broken out. We also picked Francois. We've expected you've broken out, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. We're on the road now. Be there at 5:30, Jan. 10th."-U.S.A and Mathieu. Oliver smiled. The fastest escape they've made yet, bless em. The alarms hadn't even gone off yet, and it was only 5:25. He giggled quietly to himself. Soon he'd be gone from this wretched place.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now