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Oliver, drenched by late fall rain, walked into his house, of which smelled like whiskey, as his mother had taken up a terrible drinking habit. Sometimes she'd go into some sort of daze when drunk, and she'd start baking bread, or a cake if she were really hammered.
"Mother, this has gotten out of hand! I'm going to have to take away the booze. You've got to quit!" Oliver exclaimed. He had decided the time had come. He started to pick up the half-full bottles when his mother turned around, with an expression that held disappointment, anger, and sadness.
"If you pick up one more, boy, I swear I-"
"You'll what? You're weak, and drunk!" Oliver scoffed, then stopped. She picked up a long shard of broken glass.
"Ok, never mind what said. Your fine, I'll give you back the drink... Just don't hurt me." Oliver took steps,back as his mothet advanced. His hand seached the counter top behind him, and found a kitchen knife. He held it in front of him for protection.
"Now mother... I really don't want to but... I've got to..." As his mother lunged at him in a drunken rage, he let out all the rage she had given him for nearly four centuries, and he plunged the knife into her neck. As she gasped for air, blood spurted out on to Oliver, the floor and herself.
There, in that moment, he changed. Some would say he snapped. His eyes, no longer bright, kind blue, looked as if they had been bloodstainsed, as if you looked close enough, you could see tiny flecks of pink.
He looked to his hands, covered in scarlet blood. He raised one to his face, and with curiosity overwhelming, licked his thumb. Then the other fingers. The the other hand, then the knife. Oh, how he loved the salty, metallic taste!
He began to experiment. He cut up her body, entirely forgetting about grief. He collected the blood, as that was of course the best part. He'd put it into the little cakes, it made them a nice color, like what they called red velvet. He made an icing, and added the blood to that too, to make it a,lovely pink. But soon, he ran out.
At night, he ran to get more "ingredients." He killed 3 people that night, though only one was found. He learned to conserve his ingredients, make them last. From 1888 to 1889, he killed 18. Only 11 were found, those he left to scare the people, and he only needed a few things from them.
He got quite good at carving them, almost surgical precision. In fact, it lead many people to think he was a doctor. They noticed how other times he'd leave bites (he'd get a little hungry sometimes, it's hard work after all) and the people started calling him Jack the Ripper. Almost no one knows who this Jack was, but now you do.
When it came around 1889, he decided he was getting too much attention. And thus he moved to the States. He stayed with Allen and Mathieu, gave them quite the surprise when he showed up. He told them what he had done, and they thought nothing of it, though they were a little scared/weirded out by the fact that he ate them.


Oliver had become less frequent with murdering in the past few.years. Only about once a month did he venture out to the streets. Of course Allen and Mathieu had gone into the alcohol smuggling business, of which Oliver had repeatedly reminded them, "You'll go to jail if your caught! Maybe Alcatraz, with that guy Capone! I can't loose my little boys now!" To which they'd reply, "Shut up, you aren't our mom."
One day Oliver was walking to the dump, a bag of old rotten body parts in hand, when he saw her. A beautiful young lady, who looked like she could be about his age (sort of). She had long, ginger pigtails, freckles, and a pink dress little blue shoes. And she was playing with Flying Chocolate Bunny.
"Um, Miss? You... You can see him? My bunny, I mean." He asked her.
"Well, of course I can! Plain as day. And you are?" She asked. British, just like him. It was like they were made for each other.
"My names Oliver."
"I'm Olivia."
"You... I can't believe you! Only- usually I'm the only one who can see him! That must mean-"
"Yes, I'm a witch. I've never met a warlock though!"
"I've met a few witches in my life, but you're by far the prettiest.." She blushed.
"Would you... Like to walk with me?" He asked. She walked over to him, and nodded. They talked a long while, when she asked, "What's in that bag anyway? It smells like... Like rotting flesh."
"Well, I-"
"It is. It's flesh."
"Now you're just crazy, how can it be rotting-"
"No. I know, because I just disposed of some myself. That's what you were doing?"
"Yes, but... I give up. Yes, it was." She then kissed him full on the lips.
"Oh, you are perfect! We have to be soulmates!" She was a killer herself. In fact, she was quite the sniper. They walked all around town, and became great friends. But then they turned the corner, into an alley.
"Olivia. I never thought I'd see you again." Said one of the men who was against the wall. He,had brown/red hair, a little hat with a purple feather and a giant curl at the side of his head.
"Luici, not now. Not the time."
"Olivia, what's going on..." Oliver asked.
"Got a boyfriend, eh? I am Luciano Vargas, and Olivia here used to be my best man, er woman. She'd take down men with one blade to the head from 20 feet away. But she ran away, and now I've found her." He said, a terrible smirk forming.
"Oliver, I want you to go. I know we've just met, but I value your life, and I want you to go. Now."
"Olivia, what are you doing? He's going to kill you, you have to come with me-"
"-No. Go, now!" She said, with force in her voice. Luciano's odd magenta eyes sparkled. This was amusing. To bad he had to end it. He snaped his fingers and one of his men, who had his blond hair slicked back, raised his hand. Oliver had started to walk away, but he turned back to see the only one in the world who he might have loved, who might have cared, who might have understood him-
Die. The sound of gunshot ran through the air as the bullet passed through her head. She did this for him. So he wouldn't be caught with her, and taken. He turned around. Luciano and his gang were leaving, then stopped. And fell to the ground. Because a knife stuck out of each of their backs.

hoo hoo, this one was a bit long! Well, I just wanted to tell you his back story a bit, you know, take a break from everything else that happened, explain a bit. Hope you liked it. And remember, all that happened was true. Absolutely. ;)

Next part: in a week or so

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