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"A-arthur? How is this? I saw you die, heck, I killed you! This isn't possible!" Oliver said, thoroughly confused.
"You see, I have some friends. Everyone at school thought all we did was illusionary tricks, that we were all fools. But they, they were the fools. They have pulled me out, back to this world. And I managed to grab hold of her." A "hello" was heard, spoken by Olivia. Of course, black magic was used. Oliver had sensed it on Arthur.
"And let me tell you, we are coming back. We know where you are. See you." They hung up.

Oliver was stunned. What was he to do? They were back, from death. Surely, a spell like that must have killed the poor souls who brought him back... But Arthur and Olivia... Were they physical beings, or ghosts? He decided to put salt on the entrances, just in case. He should have burned him...
As he cleaned up the counter, he pondered how it would go down. Would Olivia be a beautiful as when she died? Why would she help someone kill him? Why betray?

For days, Oliver was anxious. He stopped bringing his "extra ingredient" to the café, and stayed inside after he got home. The others started getting worried, but whenever they asked, he insisted it was alright. This was the first time any of them had seen him scared.

He began to think that they weren't even going to come, that it was some sick prank. He started having nightmares out of anxiety. Things like (y/n) coming back and stabbing him where he had her, and the terrified, yet confident face of Olivia before she was shot. But eventually the day came.

-timeskip to a week later-

Oliver was walking home after work, taking short cuts through alley ways, totally have forgotten about the anxiety that there was a man back from the dead coming to kill him. (Quite a thing to forget, eh?)

He was suddenly stopped by a young lady, who looked quite familiar. It was only until she had left did he recognize who she was. One of the two women he had actually ever loved, (y/n). He chased her through the streets, past beggars and druggies, through the fresh puddles and into the streets that no one ever strode on.

He caught up to her, only to see,her vanish, like smoke.
Then she appeared smiling, like she had when they had first met, when she was clueless, behind him. He turned to see her dissipate. Then he saw Olivia, just the same as all those years ago. He reached out to her, but she was real. Her skin was cold, and pale, and dead, yet her blue, almost violet eyes were full of life.

"You haven't changed a bit." She said, kindly. "It's a shame this must happen."
"No it's not, stop fawning over him. Anyway, you like those illusionary spells? You couldn't ever stop chasing her, could you? You even killed my could-be boyfriend. You've killed too many, now it's time to stop." Arthur said, pulling out a pistol from his pocket as he stepped out from behind a wall.
"Look, I haven't done anything for the past month! Two months!" Oliver pleaded.
"You're lying, dickwad." Said Arthur aiming the pistol.
"Yes, shut up. I didn't die for you, you know." Olivia said.
"No! I can change, I'll move away from the boys, I won't-"
"We know you won't, because you'll be dead. Now join us in hell." Arthur said, as he cocked the pistol.

"Oliver Kirkland." Said a woman's voice. He looked behind Arthur and,through his tears saw the form of (y/n), with a knife through her chest, and a bloodstained white dress.
"Y-yes, (y/n)?" He asked you.
"You can take it. Take it like we all did. Take it like the hero you could never be."
"I-i can't..."
"yes you can."
"(y/n), I-"

The gunshot echoed off the brick walls. Blood splattered on the wall behind him. Arthur smirked, Olivia had tears in her eyes.
"Why are you crying? It wasn't that sad." Arthur asked her.
"Do you... Do you really think he saw her? Saw (y/n)?"
"I don't know. they say you see or hear strange things when you die, like people you love the most calling your name." Arthur sighed.
"What did you hear when you died?"
"I heard Francis, telling me it was goning to be alright."
"One more thing. You know what happens to vengeful spirits, right? That's what we are after all."
"No, not quite. do you?"
"They disappear, because they have gotten their revenge, and they have no other purpose to be there." Olivia said. And with that, the were sucked out of existence, like water down the drain.



I find it absolutely crazy that so many people have found this story and liked it, really. I was 13 when I finished writing this story-- the fact that it's still going strong really gets me, because now, I find this amazingly cringry to look back upon. Thank you for reading lol

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