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"And, to conclude our morning report, on Ship St., breaking overnight, we have evidence that another serial killing has been committed. None of the victims are connected, save for the fact that each one was brutally dissected." Said the news reporter. Her face was emotionless, her voice monotone.

'Another one? This is getting out of hand... Who was it this time?' you wondered.

"We have examined the remains and have confirmed that it was a (name of best friend) that was murdered. No fingerprints or anything that would tell us who the killer is has been found."

"Holy shit... no, no. She knows about that part of town, she wouldn't allow her self to..." You said to yourself, shock beginning to set in. "Why was she alone...?"

"What was that?" Your mother asked. She had been downstairs doing laundry, she wouldn't have heard.

"They say... That (name of best friend) has been... th-they say they're dead. It can't be true, can it? It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be t-true."

"No. No.. I'm so sorry dear, I can't believe it. If there's anything I can do to help... I can't believe it... I'm sorry." She tried to be comforting. She tried.

Tears fell out of your eyes, would they ever stop? They'd been like a sibling, sharing tons if memories, secrets, thoughts... They couldn't just go. So sudden... Who could do this? How could a person kill innocent people? How? You sat on the couch, staring at the TV, as life went on before you, not knowing the pain. These thoughts cycled through your head, over and over. Interrupting the silence, your phone started ringing. 'Now, of all times...' You thought.

"Who is it? This.. T-this isn't the best time." Your voice wavered.

"(name), it's me, Arthur. I just heard what happened, I know, I've gone through death too. If I can help, if you need to talk about it-"

"No... I just... Need some time alone... Sorry Artie. Bye."

You hung up. You had taken grief before, with the death of your father. You were fine. Your friend, they just... they just got caught up in a bit of trouble. It wasn't your fault. You were fine. You had to be fine. You had to be fine.

"Mum, I'm going out. Maybe stop at a shop for a snack... I just... I think I need to be alone for a little bit. I'll be okay."

"Oh. Sure... Just tell me if you need to talk. Be back soon."



The cold autumn morning air practically froze your face. You wished you had brought a scarf. That fleece jacket you hastily threw on wasn't too protecting. You walked down the snow covered street, which was odd for November. Then, right there, a perfect little corner bakery. It had seemed to pop up a few months ago, and it already pretty popular- it had a nice atmosphere, good food, kind employees.

The little bell jingled as you entered the shop, it was called Tricky Treats. ((get it? "trick or treat"? I'll show myself out..))
An odd color scheme accompanied the room- light pink, hot pink, baby blue, and light lavender.
He had strawberry blond hair, bright blue eyes, a bow tie of the same hue, and freckles everywhere. With a pink shirt and lilac sweater vest, he matched the color scheme perfectly. He could have leaned up against the wall and you wouldn't be able to see him.

"Salutations, my dear, see anything you like? Just made a new batch of my, admittedly locally, famous cupcakes. I've got cookies, cakes, pastries, pies, even a bit of chocolate. If you need something savory, we've got fresh little meat pies, some kind of cheese bread, and I just put a few palm-sized-pretzels in the oven. You should be able to find something to your liking." He gestured to the glass case in front if him. "I do coffee and tea too, hot chocolate also, why not, whatever you want. You look like you could use some." He said. He had an English accent, he sounded very polite and articulate.

"Yeah, sure... How about that one there," you pointed at a cupcake- "and I'll take a (favorite hot drink). You said you could make anything right?"

The man made a light, tinkling laugh. "Of course, my dear. Whatever you like, take a seat, relax, I'll get it to you."

"Here you go poppet." He said with a kind smile, and handed you the treat, and you sat down at an empty tabel. You ate the cupcake, it was the greatest one you had ever tasted. The drink was perfectly warm. They made you almost forget...

"I noticed you looked sad, and might I pry as to what happened?" The counter man asked. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's fine.."

"I- I guess I have to accept it... I just- I just lost a very dear friend..."

The young man's face was full of empathy. "It's alright love, you can tell me. It should good to get it out of your system. My names Oliver, by the way."

"Well... You know the murders that have been happening? Well... my friend was killed yesterday.. is it okay if i don't talk about it?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know... A murder, how terrible...I lost a friend to the hands of man a while ago too- Olivia, oh, she was amazing... you kind of remind me of her, actually..." He muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

Oliver looked up, with a kind smile replacing the solemn face he wore before. "No need to apologize, dear, it was long ago. But you know what? I'll give you that for free, because you need it. I hope you feel better."

"Thank you sir, that's very nice of you, but no need, I can pay you, I do have money after all-"

"No. My name is Oliver, you don't need to call me sir. And you don't need to pay me, really. Well, you best be off now."

"Yeah, sure. See you around, Oliver." You got up to leave, but bumped into a large man, in height and weight. He scowled down at you.

"Oi, watch where you're going, you little bitch!" he yelled.

Oliver stood up, his chair falling over from the quick motion. "You best watch your mouth sir. I will have no swearing in my bakery. This is no place for a foul man like you, insulting a clearly grieving young woman." Oliver's tone changed darkly, and his smile turned into a frown. The large man walked up to him.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it, fuckface?" He said.

Oliver's bright blue eyes lit up, and his tone made a dramatic change. "Miss (name), I believe you're able to leave now." He said to you, before looking up at the newcomer. As you were leaving, you heard Oliver say something to the rude man.
"I just need a little help, you look quite strong. Come down here sir, your muscles will come in handy, I'm sure." He led him to the back of the shop. The man had the most confused look you had ever seen, his didn't seem able to refuse. You could have sworn you heard a thud, but it sounded so far, it was probably nothing.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now