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DISCLAIMER: I see that the implied usuk has somewhat made a few people... Sea sick. (haha shipping pun, get it?) Well, in this particular fiction, dear, sweet mattie is Alfred's only spoken of relation, therefore Arthur is not related, and is ok.
P.S- I'm a multi-shipper with UsUk and FrUk, but I ship RusAme more than UsUk. And UsUk just... Worked better than FrUk would have. Haters gonna hate.

2nd Person p.o.v

You stayed awake until no light flowed through the rusty window. You were sure that Allen and Oliver were sleeping, they must be, somewhere. You got up and used the fork to try and pick the lock, but no luck. So plan B went into action.

You got a running start, and smashed into the old door with your uninjured left arm. You felt it come loose; one more should get it open. So you smashed into it again, and the door gave in.

'Sh*t. That was really loud.' You thought. You got the fork and hid it behind your back as you walked out. The room smelled terrible- a strong combination of maple sugar and rotting flesh. You rushed over to the chair, your eyes long adjusted to the darkness.

A body sat there, you could make out blond hair, Arthur. Dried blood was splattered all about his ripped clothes, and it covered his face near his mouth and cheeks. His wrists were rubbed Rew by the restraints. He was still alive, you saw his chest rising up and down, thank goodness. He was just sleeping. You were able to undo the ones about his writs and ankles, but there were two that locked his legs and torso down, Oliver must have the key- you had to forget about it.

You started up the stairs, but froze in your path. Quiet voices, footsteps, and a sound like someone dragging a sack of potatoes. You hid in the dark corner behind the stairs, trying not to breathe.

The door opened, and light flooded through. Oliver came down dragging Alfred's unconscious body, his hitting the stairs. He tied him to a column supporting the basement. The perfect time to strike.

The moment he turned around, you lept forward, aiming for an eye. And you would have hit it, if he hadn't caught your hand in the air.

"Naughty poppet. Trying to stab your lover? As if a fork could do me out for the count. Tsk tsk." He said, his eyes glaring daggers but smiling at the same time. "My poor, poor girl... How rude. But I am a kind young man, I won't punish you. In fact, I'll let you join your friend... What was his name, Albert?" He brought you hand to his lips and kissed it, before catching you off guard and slipping a rope around your wrists.

"Alfred, Alfred... did you came to save us? How'd you know where we are?" You asked, tied to the column.

"I just sort of put the facts together I guess... I suppose it didn't do much... W-where's Arthur?" He said. A pause.
"He's not dead... Is he?"

"No, not yet, thank god. He's still alive but..." You could barely see Alfred, but you saw his eyes grow wide. A light clicked on over the chair.

"Oh my god, ARTHUR!"Alfred screamed. Arthur heard him, but Arthur could not yell back. Tears started in Alfred's eyes. "Arthur, Arthur, please, are you okay?" Oliver put on a butchers apron, and selected a large carving knife- he had a somewhat solemn expression on his face. Even though his tounge had been removed, Arthur could still scream. And scream he did.

"Why, why?" Alfred cried out. "Why him?"

"Because (y/n) is my love, and no one else can be allowed as I am." Oliver said in a monotone voice. "My dear (y/n), I am sorry- sort of. But understand, you mustn't interfere."

Ande tortured him. He cut, chopped, sliced, pryed, poked, pulled, prodded. Arthur screamed in terrible pain, until his voice became hoarse. You and Alfred cried, unable to do anything, as you watched your friend being butchered alive- closing your eyes didn't block out the sounds.

Then Arthur was dead- from blood loss, shock, organ failure, he might have even drowned in his own blood. He had been tortured very lightly for days, and now he was finally out of his misery. He was left with 7 fingernails on his hands of 8 fingers, 5 on his feet of 6 toes, an ear and a half, 2 teeth missing, and one kidney. Oliver had called for Allen to collect some remains, but he had fainted at the sight of Arthur's fresh heart.

"Y-you... You absolute fucking psycho! Burn in hell, I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" He pulled against the restraints. "I-I'll kill you..." Alfred yelled, tears streaming down his face, while you kept quiet, unable to speak.  Alfred and Arthur had known each other forever. They were tighter than brothers- this has horrid.

"Oh, dear Alfie, I already have." Oliver said, he looked like an absolute maniac as he laughed like crazy with blood dripping down his front. His eyes were bright with insanity.

"I can't... I can't live with thi, I can't live like this. I never told him I loved him... I want to be with him... I want to be with him! You took him away, you fucking bastard! LET ME GO!" Alfred shouted, his anger like a wildfire that could not be extinguished.

"I am getting tired of your yelling and foul language Alfie..." Oliver said. "You miss him so much, JOIN HIM THEN!" his voice gained volume at the end as he threw a knife at Alfred's throat. Alfred sputtered and coughed, his blood mixing with his tears. "A-at last, (y/n), there is nothing in between us." Oliver said, turning towards you.

"You... Want me to love you? How can I... How could I ever love you?!" You said.

"(y/n), I did this for us... Please, you were so kind earlier, I did this for us..."

"No. You killed my best friends... You murdered and enjoyed doing it, you're a cannibalistic demon of a man!" You spat.

His face fell, he looked truly hurt. "Then-then you can just stay there!" He spun on his heel and left you to the post, Alfred's corpse beside you and Arthur's still strapped in.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now