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[Sudden P.O.V. Switch!!]

Alfred's P.O.V

I looked about the dark room. A musty, sweet smell filled the room, combined with a something metallic. I wrinkled nose. I tried moving- my hands were tied, my wallet wasn't in my pocket, and it hurt. It hurt to move.
What day was it even? How long had I been out? Last I remember, Wednesday. The council meeting, my house, the plan, that guy...

The council meeting, yes. I remember had been daydreaming. It had been days since Arthur had first disappeared, and now (y/n) had gone too.

"Alfred, you are okay, da?" The treasurer had asked. Ivan- he had transferred a while back. He had this really platinum blond hair, and he was probably the tallest guy in the school.

"Yeah, sure. I was just thinking... Art, Arthur, he's been gone so long, I'm really worried." I said. "What do you guys think could have happened? Sickness, death in the family?"

"Ah, I knew you loved him, even daydreaming about him, goodness Alfred." teased the secretary, Francis. He had long golden hair, and I was willing to bet my house that he was crushing on Arthur quite a bit, even though they fought every single day.

"You know what, fuck you Francis." I said, complete with a middle finger. My best friend, I'd known him for so long, and it wasn't the same here without him. I couldn't pay attention to the meeting, the only things I could even remember after it was something about the magic club trying to rent the boiler room. Finally at 4:00 we left, and I could finally get home. I had thought it over, and I decided I was going to take matters into my own hands. I was going to find him, because surely he was lost, or worse, taken.

*timeskip brought to you by the ship war in the comments*

Once I got home, I wrote down the events that I knew happened. He had gone on a date sort of thing with (y/n), a candy store or something. He hadn't come back after. Had she done something? No, she was obviously concerned the next day, unless she was faking it... But then she disappeared too, after the crash. It looked like a pair of guys who were driving.

"Yeah, I am the hero!" I shouted aloud, proud of myself

"Can the hero shut up a bit please?" Said my quiet, pancake loving little brother, Matthew.

"Yeah, sure whatever." I replied. I decided to ditch school tomorrow and investigate. I just hoped Artie and (y/n) were alright.

*timeskip brought to you by Canada's cute little face*

I walked into the bakery, Tricks and Treats it was called. All the pink and blue hurt my eyes, it was really bright! Some guy sat behind the register counter, reading a motorcycle magazine. He had sun glasses, an old bomber jacket, and redish-brown hair. He even looked a bit like me, his face was in the same shape sort of. Weird.

"Em, did you ever see a blond dude with huge caterpillar eyebrows come in here?" I asked. His eyes widened a little behind the dark glasses.

"Oh, you're looking for him? Heh, come back here." He motioned and smirked, pushing me through a door.

"Oh, who's this patriot? Are you looking for your friends?" Said a creepy British guy in that kind of annoying voice people use when they talk,to babies behind me. He had really freaky pink and blue eyes.

"Yeah actually, have you-" I stopped. My back arched in a sudden prick of pain. I was pushed to the ground, and I saw the brown haired one holding an empty needle. Everything was already starting to go blurry. And the Britt just stared down at me, smiling like it was Christmas.

"Ah, goodnight little Alfie. I hope you know that I could have killed you, but thank Allen I didn't. He said you'd probably yell or something, and that doesn't do well for business. It would have gotten pretty messy too." he said. I lifed my head to say something, but he kicked me down with his foot. Sounds started to fade, and I blacked out.

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