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You woke up in a dark room, on an uncomfortable bed. It creaked and moaned as if it were going to collapse underneath you. You moved and felt terrible pain in your right arm. It was bleeding, all over the lacey, pink night gown you were wearing. You cringed, that meant someone had undressed you.

The room did have a window, though covered with dust, rust and a few splotches of red here and there. The smallest amount of light creeped through the high, small window.

You stood up, your bruised head pounding. You walked wearily over to the foor, only to find it locked. The handle jiggled and clicked, but no success was made. Trapped, kidnapped, bloody, pained. You ripped a piece off of your nightgown and wrapped it around your arm to stop the bleeding.
Then the door opened.

"Heeello, my sweet! Glad to see you up and skipping! Matthieu made pancakes and things, how nice of him! Here, I brought you some.

   "O-oliver... You...What did you do? My arm-" he shoved a forkful of bacon in your mouth. It tasted odd, not like normal bacon. "Stop tha-" he tried to feed you again, but you swatted it away with your good hand.

"Dearest, you must eat, you'll get sick and.. and die, and, and we can't have that, now, can we?" Oliver said.

You slapped him. The pain in his eyes almost made you regret it. "I will not let you do this! You're- you're fucking sick, and twisted, and- and I can't just sit here! You think I love you? Love? You didn't need to do any of this shit!"

"That's no way for a lady to talk!" He stood up suddenly. "I should wash your mouth out with soap! I could even cut out your tongue, like I did for dear ole Artie. But I do love hearing your voice~" he said, his bright blue eyes glinting pink.

"No... I'm not a fucking child! Just tell me why I am here! I'm sick of not knowing. I will not lay here like a cow for slaughter in some movie!" You said.

"Now, now, fiesty are we, poppet! Well then, you do get some answers. You, my dearyl, have the pleasure of getting to stay in my guest bedroom, isn't it delightful? I did mean to decorate, I'm dearly sorry, darned Allen... Your arm is bleeding because I gave you a tracker, so that I'll always know where you are, you can't get away, it shouldn't be hurting to much right now..." He said, eyes shining.

"And since you are such a big girl then, I guess you can feed yourself. Feel free to walk around." He said with a weak chuckle, as he locked the door with a slam.

You ate some of the breakfast he had made, and concluded that the bacon was not pork, turkey, not vegan.. You didn't eat anymore of that.

You got up to examined the room, determined to find a way out, there had to be a way out. You pushed on the dusty window. You wouldn't be able to escape through that, it was about a foot above your head with a rusty, old lock. The door had a wiggly handle, and wasn't that strong, you could probably knock it down when your arm was better. But how long would that take?

You thought that if you encounter Oliver on your escape, you'd use the leftover fork from breakfast to attack him. How stupid of him to leave it, you thought. But Arthur, poor Arthur... You figured you'd just call the police. You were confident now, proud of your plan. You weren't some weak girl who needed some buff, hunk of a man to save you, no, you had a plan.

You began to think over your conversation with Oliver. He had said he wasn't able to decorate, he hadn't had time. It was like he threw you in here because he hadn't known what to do. Did that mean he hadn't been expecting you? He hadn't known you had been taken? Had he even wanted you here? 'Darned Allen.', he had said. You lay on the old mattress, tossing the information in your head until you fell asleep.

The next day when you woke up, and you could see your panicked breaths in clouds. You had dreamed of pain, and spirits, and confusion. You weren't able to piece the scenes together, and before you knew it, you could hardly remember it at all.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now