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For a day, yes, probably a day, you were tied to the support column, alone with your thoughts. Oliver must have butchered Arthur whilst you slept- he still you with Alfred though. Once, you thought you heard him speak.

Though, as previously stated, it in reality probably wasn't long you were tied there, it felt like an eternity. You became used to the smell, numb to the sights. The room got cold at what you imagined was night.

But there were the moments, maybe, no, definitely dreams- when the door opened, the light shone down, and you saw him. The angel, the sweetest thing, as sweet as sugar. He brought food, he untied your hands- but you shook your head, no you couldn't eat an angel's food. And his face, he would frown, his and eyes were sad. And then your dream would end.

One day- the last day- a nightmare happened, with a demon- no, that was real. He rushed down the stairs, his shoulders draped with the skin of a cow, his skin tanned by the fires of hell.

"(Y/n)- (y/n)!" He shook you, and looked up into his eyes, covered by a veil of darkness. "Oh my god... Have you been starving her!?" He yelled up the stairs.

The angel- no, this man, the man, he appeared in the doorway. "No! I would never-ending-supply-of-energy she wouldn't eat! I've left her untied since I visited her last night! She kept saying something about and angel... My darling, has madness gripped her?"

"Oliver..." You said, softly. "It is you, my Oliver?"

His pale cheeks turned a light pink. "Your's... (Y/n), are you alright? Please, do be okay... Have you really come to your senses?"

"God, Oliver, she's gone into shock, you know! She's... You've done this!" The demon said.

"Oliver-" you tried interrupting; they ignored you. You looked past them, into the corner.

"No- I can't have...Allen, she's just realized her feelings, surely, like I knew she would."

"No, you knew this would happen." He crossed his arms.

"Shh." Oliver said.

"Did you just 'shh' me?"

"Shh!" Oliver stared at the corner. "She can see them. It's not my fault. It's theirs. They've distorted her mind- I should have never put her down here." He turned towards you. "Oh, my sweet- come with me hurry, I can help you, and we can live together."


"Oliver what are you taking about?" The demon- no, Allen, said. Allen.

"The people. The ones that I've... They're here, and-"

You stood up, weary. Your legs felt dead. You heard the voice of the angel. (Y/n), listen to us, come on, listen. Pick it up, dear.

You knelt down and grasped the fork that had been left with a dinner. You felt rage- barriers being broken, eyes being opened, wrath- before any of you knew what happened, you kneed Oliver in the crotch, kicked him over and held the fork over his face. You would have stabbed him, if not for the knife in your stomach. Oliver's eyes look up at you, wide with realization.

"No... No no no please I didn't mean it, it was instincts I swear! Please, please, please, please... No... Poppet don't leave. I love you... Really I do. your personality, your looks, your heart..."

"What- I- but- they- you, I-"

"I suppose... There's always a silver l-lining eh poppet? You'll... You'll be ab-ble to be with y-your friends n-now..."

"Oliver Kirkland." You choked out. "Know, know, that none of this, none, was necessary." You said. "None of this story, mattered." Your last words.

Matt came running down the stairs. "Something's happened- there's a cop- wait, what's up here?"

"C-cop? The police? Why!?" Oliver looked up at him, his eyes full of tears, sad and angry.

Allen's hands flew to his pockets. "Your girl pick-pocketed me! She took my phone!"

"Fuck- what do we do?" Matt said.

"First, we don't swear- and the only other thing to do is wait. To accept it."

"Hell to the no!" Allen exclaimed. "If I go back... Viktor... He's there... And I-I can't..."

"Agreed. Ollie, we're out. We've stuck with you this long, but now..." The disappeared up the stairs.


"Put your hands up! I know you, I'm not afraid to shoot!" The gruff voice of a policeman said. "Allen Jones and Matthieu Williams, known for murders, and burgurlary, smuggling accross the American- Canadian border, and a lot of other shit. Nice to see you again."

"Young man- are you okay?" Another policeman called down the stairs to Oliver. He looked up to him- bloodstains down his front, knife in hand- and grinned. The policeman said something into his pager, calling for more units.

Soon Oliver, Matt, and Allen were up against police cars. Allen and Matthieu were hauled off to the station. But Oliver... No one knew him from before, some thought he was a victim... The men searched the place, and found the refrigerator of arms, legs and various organs. They found the many bloody knives, so much blood... Some policemen actually vomited at the sight.

As promised, a quick and speedy trial was given, and Oliver was found guilty, and they hauled him off somewhere to rot.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now