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You had gone to the bakery a few times since then, and Oliver had a habit of calling you his favorite customer. You hardly ever needed to pay, it seemed, he always gave away things for you. A few weeks had passed since the death of your friend, and Oliver really helped. He was charming, and he always seemed to know how to cheer you up.

Arthur Kirkland was a kind, stubborn young man with magnificent eyebrows, and he was also your friend since third grade. He had been busy with student counsel with planing some fundraiser, and didn't have much time to spend with you. Well, you thought that spell of loneliness needed to take a break for a bit. You decided to call him after school. You were going to get him out, no matter what it took.

"Hey, Art, You busy?"

"I'm never busy for my favorite girl- ALFRED, STOP DANCING AND GET OFF THE TABLE- er, like I said, not busy." Oh Alfred, of course.. As president of the counsel, he thought he had all the power. He couldn't seem to grasp the fact that they had to work together and that he could not bomb the rival school.

"Mmhm... sure you're never busy..." you sighed. "Anyway, would you have time after school? I want to talk with you."

"Oh, sure. I don't have any work today, so sure. Where were you thinking?"

"Wherever you want."

"Oh, alright then... Isn't there some bakery that opened a few months ago? I guess it isn't actually new then... Yeah, let's do that. What do you think?"

"Erm.. Sure. See you there."


(time skip brought to you by America's amazing dancing abilities)

The little bell jingled as Arthur walked in. He saw you and sat accross from you in the booth near the window.

"Well, it's certainly an... Interesting color scheme." He said, looking around. Oliver walked over to you.

"Ah, dear (name), you've returned, my favorite customer!" He said with a large grin. "And... And who's this?" He said less enthusiastically, noticing Arthur.

"I, am Arthur. Pleased to meet you... Oliver. I am (name)'s boyfriend, aren't I, (name)?"

"I- what? No I don't-" You said.

"I... I didn't know you had a boyfriend (name)." Oliver's tone changed, his smile looked forced.

"Well, I suppose you want to know what we want?" Arthur said.

"Well, I just came to say hello, usually you come up to the counter and you order-"

"Great." Arthur interrupted. "I would like a plain vanilla cupcake, with Earl grey tea please."

"Plain, really?" Arthur nodded. "And (name), your usual?"

"Sure. Thanks, Ollie." Oliver went to brew the drinks and get the baked goods. Oliver returned minutes later with a straight face and with your drinks and treats.

"Em, sir, this is a red velvet, not vanilla-" Arthur started to say, but noticed that Oliver had gone into another room. "Ow! God, this is bloody hot..." Arthur exclaimed when he started to sip his tea. "It doesn't taste like Earl Grey at all, it's much too-"

"Oh, stop complaining." You said to him. You talked about the fundraiser, the extreme winter cold, he lectured you on different types of tea, you made him laugh. A fine date, one could call it that, if it were a date.

But after a while, Arthur started to feel sick. He complained that the room was swirling, and that everything smelled sickly, disgustingly sweet, instead of the faint hazelnut and chocolate candle scent. You didn't believe him, you thought he was just being his usual critical self, until he fainted.

"Oh my... Oliver?! Come here now, he's fainted!" You yelled.

"Why, what's happened? Poppet, are you ok? You aren't hurt are you?"

"No, I'm fine, but we should call an ambulance! Arthur just fainted... I don't know what to do, nothing this has never happened to me before!" You panicked.

Oliver looked distressed. Ahah, no need for an ambulance, dear, it's ok, I've got a kit in my basement. I'll just bring him down there, set him on the ole cot." He tried to lift Arthur up. ALLEN!" He yelled in the direction of the kitchen.

A young man, presumably Allen, came out from the kitchen. He had a bomber jacket, dark auburn hair with a cowlick and sunglasses. His face looked as if it scowled a lot, and he had a few scars upon it.

"What do you want now?" he looked and saw Arthur. "Oh. Yeah, I see. I'll take him down for ya. Nice chick." He added, as he carried Arthur into the basement.

"He's alright, right? Not a stroke or a heart attack? Oh my god, he's not going to die too, is he? I can't, he can't... I-"

Oliver drew you into a hug. "Oh, shush. No my dear, he's just sick. Best not worry about him. He's fine. He'll probably sleep a little here, but no need to worry." Oliver said, patting your back. "Now, you should probably hurry home, these cold nights are getting darker and darker you know. I want you to be safe out there."

You decided to listen to his advice, and rushed along home.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now