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Its been two days I returned back to have some solace in the arms of my mother

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Its been two days I returned back to have some solace in the arms of my mother. The sleepless night still lingered in the air but is tamed by the lullaby of my father. My husband has yet to contact me. According to the messages from his brother he is locked up in his room as well. So am I.

I finally met the new born boy of Dominic and Ellie. I will not lie and say it was fine because it wasn't. It stung thinking of my future which was destroyed. I might have also being holding my own baby after some months. But that doesn't mean I will any child for the matter.

The house isn't calm or serene, every minute is filled with laughter and chaos, which is the only thing keeping my mind sane. My thoughts are walled inside one corner of my mind, and I have successfully kept it away. I was never the talkative type nor was I the sarcastic type. I was happy in my own dreamy bubble.

Which doesn't exist anymore as my husband unintentionally broke it. The warmth from just even a slight glance is replace by this cold icy feeling which just isn't fitting. All my life I have been dependent on someone even if for a little time. And It is unfortunately is Chris for now.

There isn't any second I have not shared a glance with my mobile screen begging for even a little text, voicemail anything. My ego is too big to call him either. But that generally doesn't mean I don't know how he is living. I have been receiving daily updates from Margaret, and I even know how he even for a minute text my brothers about my well being.

Maybe the sudden decision to marry a stranger wasn't proper?

Why am I even questioning about my marriage?

Ignoring my irritable mind questions, dressing in my regular over sized clothes I marched towards the dining table with greetings.

"Καλημέρα σε όλους (good morning everyone)" I sang and went to grab a sit near my grandma and kissed her and mamma's cheek. A very familiar throat clearing was what I received rather than the greetings.

As I looked at my other side I was blinded by the emeralds that haunted my sleep this days. His whole demeanor was yelling nervousness and reeked of uncertainty.

"buenos días preciosa ( good morning precious)" Chris replied in his very husky and prominent accent. His eyes scanned me from head to toe, his features softened but went rigid the second a syllable left my father's tongue.

" Did you sleep well Princess? " Dad asked while taking a bite of his omelette and sipping his morning coffee.

"Yeah, I did."

" So Christopher, how have you been? How's work going on?" Mom asked him in her default warm tone, with a little smile .

" Its going just fine Alessia. Thank you for asking."

" I came herr to take Dream nack home, if she is ready to ho back ofcourse." Chris asked glancing at every one. Papa' eyes went cold. I didn't exactly informed anyone of my arrival and the reason behind it. It was betweee and my husband and I wanted to keep it that way. The lie I told was that I missed them, which wasn't partially lie. I did miss home.

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