"They left us alone, The Kids in the Dark."

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Wattpad won't let me make a title longer than 80 characters like fûck you because the lyrics are screwed up now.


Saying my parents were mad that I was gone for two days was an understatement. Their fury was not only verbal but almost physical, almost. I could tell because the fumes were rushing out their ears and their faces were unbelievably red like in the cartoons.

"Where the fûck have you been for the past two fûcking days!?" my mom, Adelaide shouted. I tried ignoring her and going up to my room because I was hoping she wouldn't ruin the perfect mood I was in. Before I could, my dad stood in front of the stairs, blocking me from my destination.

His face was etched into a permanent scowl and his arms were crossed, acting like a barrier.

"Answer your mother when she asks a question!" He growled. I rolled my eyes, trying to put a tough act on but I can tell they knew I was afraid.

"You left for two days, without telling us might I add, and we had guests here who wanted to see you! Dàmn it I had to fûcking lie about where you were!! Do you know how I hate lying?!" my mother screamed, throwing her hands in the air for emphasis.

"Why do you hate lying when you do it all the fûcking time," I countered. I hated when she was being hypocritical.

"Don't you dare talk to your mom like that Elizabeth!"

"Why are you acting like a little bîtch all of the sudden?" she groans, pulling the strands of her hair.

I was offended in all honesty. I was always there for my mother when my dad wasn't there or when he wasn't sober. I couldn't show her my weakness at this point. I don't think she cared either way.

"Takes one to know one," I scoffed. The following events were something I never expected in my life time. I could feel my breath hitch and in the corner of my eye I could see my dad's hands, inches from face.

I backed up into the wall, processing the situation. He almost hit me. The only thing that actually stopped him was my mom. Her tiny hand was wrapped around his wrist to prevent him from continuing.

Without thinking, I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room, locking it in the process. I grabbed a suitcase and stuffed as much clothes as I could into it. Then I emptied out the dirty contents in my backpack and shoved everything precious to me into it.

When I was finished I unlocked my door, past my parents, and then out the front door. I tried to put as much distance as I could between me and my house, ignoring the shouts and pleads that came from my parents.

Hours have passed and I had no clue where I currently was. The street names weren't familiar and the people didn't look the same. The tears have finely dried from my sobbing fest and left tear stains on my freckled cheeks.

Not knowing what to do, I turned to the the one thing that always helped me, food. I walked into the Waffle House that I ended up in front of, suitcase in hand and my book-bag on my back. I sat in the corner booth and tried to ignore the stares that strangers were sending my way.

"Hey sweetie what can I get you?" The waitress asked me, popping her gum. I quickly scanned the menu for something that could satisfy my sad appetite.

"Can I get a waffle, bacon, eggs, and a coke please?" I asked, smiling politely. She sent a very fake smile my way before getting my food. I opened the front pocket of my suitcase and grabbed my phone to check my messages. I had over 30 missed calls and texts from my parents asking me where I went.

"You've got to be kidding me," I whispered, ignoring every single one of them. But a certain text caught my eye.

From: Ashy🐒💘

hey Elizabeth did you make it home safely? :-)

I decided that it was a good time to reply to him.

To: Ashy🐒💘

You could say that. I'm at Waffle House now :-/

From: Ashy🐒💘

Let me join you so I can feast on your problems and help you out

To: Ashy🐒💘

I'll cut your man sac if you say 'feast on your problems' again.

From: Ashy🐒💘

Feisty, I like it ;-) but how will make kids in the dark?

To: Ashy🐒💘

oh. my. god


Idk what to say about this chapter tbh.

Your opinions on it?

Anyone ever went to Waffle House? (It's amazeballs)


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