Chapter 27

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Liz's PoV

I woke up, tossing and turning as the sun poured through the window. My head was pounding. Who needs alcohol or drugs when there's an abusive mother?

I trudged toward my bathroom and untied Ashton's bandana from around my head. Thankfully, the cut from the previous night had healed over but there was still a large scab
that had formed over the area that I had hit.

As I showered and changed, I recalled all of the evidence I had against my parents and Carrie. My mom cut my head and hit me in a parking lot. I can't forget about the verbal abuse. They locked me in my room as if I were in prison. They always fought and got drunk. I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I thought of how utterly shit my life was without the boys.

Just as I was about to leave, I accidentally knocked over a chair which caught my mothers attention. I heard footsteps coming upstairs followed by a car horn. Without thinking, I picked up a chair and threw it at my window, smashing it into thousands of tiny pieces. Just as I climbed through the small gap, I heard my mom shout after me but I ignored her and climbed down the tree. I made a run for Calum's car.

"That was pretty badass." Calum chuckled.

"I know, I guess you could call me leonardo." I smirked.

"Then Ill have to be Michael Angelo." Calum winked.

"I don't know Ashton will feel about that Calum," I said, winking.

The rest of the car ride to the courtroom was spent in silence as we both thought about the two possible outcomes that could come of today. We could either get the boys out or send them to prison forever. And in my opinion, the first was better than the latter.

As soon as we pulled up outside of the huge building, swarms of press crowded around the car. They were screaming to me, asking if Ashton had kidnapped me. Asking me if I was abused. I pushed them aside and rolled my eyes.

When we were inside of the large courtroom, I saw the three boys sitting on the defendants desk, dressed in orange boiler suits. Their eyes were puffy and faded. Their hair was dark and limp. It was as though they had been worked to a point that they weren't even themselves anymore.

Ashton turned his head and I instantly saw a small fleck of happiness in his hazel eyes despite the situation we were in. Luke and Michael turned around but their expressions didn't change they just stayed, blank. I sent them a warm reassuring smile to get them through it.

"All rise, department one of the superior court is now in session. Judge Baxtor presiding. Please be seated." A man in a sheriffs uniform announced. Shortly after, a woman dressed in a long black robe walked into the room and stood behind the podium.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of 'kids in the dark' versus Ashton Fletcher Irwin, Luke Robert Hemmings and Michael Gordon Clifford." The judge called before taking a seat.

Next was my parents lawyers turn to speak: "Your honor; the defendants have been charged with the crime for the kidnapping and abuse of Miss Elizabeth George. The evidence will show that and abandoned building has been used as a storing facility for miss George and multiple other children along with the bruises and cuts on her body. The evidence that I will present to you will prove that the defendants are guilty." With that, the prosecutor paced toward the judge, handing her Ashton's bandana that I had wrapped around my head last night. Oh that mcbitch is using her own mistakes and framing Ashton?!

"Your honor I object!" I yelled across the courtroom. "My mother was the reason why I had to wrap that a round my head, she pushed me into a wall, causing me to bang my head which resulted in a lot of blood." I gulped before continueing. "she has always hurt me. Ever since my dad came back I was like a rag doll. Something for her to pull around and hurt whenever she was angry," Before I could say one more word, tears were streaming down my face. We had to win the case.

"Please calm her down!"

"Your honour, they're not guilty."


hey guys, sorry it took a while to upload. I hope you like this chapter, it's the first I have wrote in this book so far and I'm so happy to continue it! I've kind of got a plan for the nec few chapters so umm yeah.

-Rhiannan @Calpaca7

Hey guys it's Christy. I'm just editing for Rhiannon. Hope you guys enjoy. Love you guys <3 -Christy

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